Chapter 9

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Jana's P.O.V

 hours after the incident with Josh. Jana was walking alone on the beach it was nearly 5 so most people were getting changedJana already had and was now walking down the beach.

i cant believe it rhydian chose maddy of all people over me that stupid tame i have to find away to fix this..

 her thoughts were interupted by someone bumping into her she recognised him josh

"oh sorry was kinda caught up in my thought" josh apologised.

"oh what were you think about" I asked although i was pretty sure i knew already.

"just some girl I met earlier but she has a boyfriend but she was so hot."

"you mean Maddy she doesn't have a boyfriend." i replied having an idea.

"what but i thought that rhydian was her boyfriend."

"no maddy and rhydian are both single and i have a plan to change that so there not if your interested."

 "why would i want to help them get together?" josh replied clearly confused.

"not with each other i mean with us."

"ok i am in."


"come on everyone time to go or we'll be late for the dinner." Mr Jeffries called across the beach.

"i have to go but ill sneak out later and ill tell you my plan meet me here at 11" i asked.

"sure see you then." and with that josh left and i ran over to the group to try to talk to rhydian which of corse he ignored me sowe all walked over to the hotel to get changed for tonight.

As i was about to walk into my room the 3 k's approached me.

"what are you wearing for tonight"kara asked

"err i don't know.." before i could finish the 3 grabbed me and dragged me into their room great this was like the disco all overagain.

all i heard before the door closed was 5 people burst out laughing. rhydian, Shannon, tom Harry and maddy

Maddy's P.O.V

"oh my god did jana just get kidnapped by the k's" shannon said between laughs

"i think so" i replied.

"well err we should go get ready maddy it could take a while and if you don't let me do your hair and make up ill drag the 3 k'sin our room." shannon said a few minutes later when everyone had calmed down.

i groaned in response and followed shannon into our room.

20 minutes later jana walked back into our room looking amazing i looked at my self in the mirror i know what rhydian said buthe must at least find jana attractive i mean just look at her she gorgeous and i looked so plain and normal.

 she had her hair and make-up just like she did at the disco with her hair tied up and curly and stand out make-up with a pinkdress going down to her mid shin and pink pumps on bet she had to fight the k's to where them.

I looked over to shan she had her hair down and straight which was weird since she normally clipped part back or something.She had her white dress on from the disco probably trying to impress harry again her dress came down to her knees withmatching heels she had lip gloss and mascara on.

great they both looked amazing compared to me.

"come on mads the boys are waiting" shan said linking her arm with mine

we walked outside and the boys were lining up out side their room across from ours all in jeans shirt and tie tom had a paleblue shirt with a lemon yellow tie with his hair normal although he couldn't really do anything different with it could he. Harryhad a white shirt and black tie with his hair spiked up he smiled at shannon she smiled back going red. Finally my eyes fell onrhydian with his hair normal - god i loved his hair like that - and a white shirt on with thin strips running across it and anelectric blue tie god he looked hot oh did i really just say that he hasn't even taken his eyes off me since i walked out i bet ilook a mess and hes trying not to laugh.

Rhydian's P.O.V

 Me, tom and harry were ready and waiting outside for the girls before we could go down stairs to meet everyone else after 10minutes the door finally opened and first jana stepped out she look pretty good but i cant wait to see what maddy looks outthen shannon steps out she looks pretty good too in the corner of my eye i can see harry smile then i see shannon blush beforeshe turns back to the room and drags maddy out and when i see her i cant take my eyes off her for the second time today shehas her hair pinned back as normal but it's curled and she's wearing an electric blue dress that comes down to her mid-thighwell its shorter than the other girls dresses she is wearing heels and has make-up on well that's a first.

im brought out of my trance by shannon saying something.

 "well look at you to matching and everything."

"what"me and maddy ask glad im not the only one confused. she point down we both look they i realise her dress matches mytie well this is embarrassing we both blush before i hear harry whisper to shannon "you look amazing babe" me and maddysmirk at shannon blushing i know she knows we heard that harry just gives us a confused look before taking shannons handand walking down the hall with her tom and jana follow everyone else has already left so it's just me and maddy i couldn't helpbut notice she wasnt wearing a necklace perfect i though. we walked down stairs and met up with every one before walkingoutside and climbing into a limo every one was buzzing we pulled up to this restarant

 about an hour later everyone was having fun when i decided to put my surprise into action i dragged maddy away fromeveryone didnt need to say anything know one was paying attention to her as harry had just kissed shannon and everyone waswatching them. once we were in the corner away from everyone i decided to do it.

"hey mads i err have a present for you." i say before going into my pocket and pulling out a small tin box maddy gave me afunny look before i told her to open it as she did i saw her look up at me shocked. i know she'll say something about it beingmy mum's but she told me to give it to someone i love so i did im just not gonna bring that up to maddy.

Maddy P.O.V

 inside the tin was a string necklace on the end was wooden ring shape calved inside were to wolves and a tree howling at themoon this is what ceri gave him before he came back he told me about it a few weeks ago

"rhydian i cant accept this your mother gave you this."

"and i want you to have it ill probably lose it anyway."

"thank you" i say before hugging him

"could you?" i say turning round. he lifts up my hair and clasps it together. i turn round and catch his wrist to stop it movingback and take off my bracelet and slide it onto his arm it's not really a girly bracelet so he doesn't say anything but he placeshis hand on my cheek

 "rhydian this necklace is beautiful"

"not as much as you" he says under his breath he must have forgot id still be able to hear he must have been drinking idecided to hug him again my arms going around his neck his other arm going around my waist we pull back from the hugslightly and stare into each others eyes before i know it were both leaning in my eyes slide closed are lips are millimeters awayfrom each others...

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