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There's a place I wanna be which I'm not yet,
things I wanna reach out for,I can't get.
I see possibilities of a better place,
but the map I can't trace.

A land flowing with milk and honey,
fenced with love and harmony.
It's color was wealth and peace,
a land where Justice can't cease.

Oh beautiful Nigeria!
When will I visit your Cafeteria?
My Country has your name,
but it doesn't have my acclaim.

Every new dawn got my knees down,
believing to get there before sundown.
I believe in the future,
cause my mind keeps capturing beautiful picture.


I'm a Nigerian and I'm proud to be 😊. Today marks our 61 years of Independence 😍.
I know we're not a perfect country,but I believe in the beauty of the future Nigeria. Though the Nigeria I know isn't the Nigeria I want,I still pray and hope that one day I'll find myself in the real Nigeria.
Happy Independence Day Nigeria...


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