Wilhelmina cringed slightly at the loud voices

"I leave you alone for 2 days at you do this," Harry said with a tired voice, rubbing his temples, he looked like a parent of a troublemaker.
"I wish we had gone....." Fred spoke,
"with the girls instead" George finished.
"We are so doing that" Sirius nudged Remus, looking a little too excited.
"No we are not" Remus whispered.

"Guys, can we move on, I have something important to tell" Wilhelmina spoke with tiredness, she was starting to have second thoughts about telling the story but before she could turn back she started narrating.

Everyone was completely silent, they look so intrigued by the story, that if they were dogs then their ears would have perked up.

"So that's it"

"Okay, first and foremost thing. You are never going on any trip without adult supervision" Molly said with a firm look.
Wilhelmina's jaw dropped at this, with her eyes wide open, she looked like a perfect goldfish.
"But ..... but I am an adult" she complained.
"Well, from your actions it didn't seem like it" Molly replied.

"So, Wilhelmina do you remember anything from the papers," Remus asked, smoothly saving her from further scoldings.
She looked at him with gratitude, she made a mental note to thank him and to hug him for saving her.

"Yeah, just don't interrupt me" she requested and closed her eyes.
"With thorns on the path
It's over for you and I
The songs of birds
Bring peace to the ear
And calm to you and I
The sparkling lights
Are symbol of love
Of you and I
The dancing leaves
Mark the new era
The howl of wolf
The smell of grief
Are alive for you and I
The first successor
The darkest gleam
Will always be there
Till the very end"

"That's the first part, the second is"

"It began a while ago
A sculpted man
The world his birthright
Mind a labyrinth
He is the supreme
With an army of dead
Beauty of flora
Secrecy like a door
Story of folk
Told in an unknown language
Of master of ours
The man of ancient
Comes again
For you and I
Singing a siren song
After a blood bath
It will be the end of light"

"Yeah that's all" Wilhelmina finished.

Everyone looked baffled at what this could mean.

"Honestly, I think it's bull" Ron spoke.
"Wil, I think he is right, honestly it looks like a poem written by a lover" Harry backed him.
"And honestly, I never believed them when they told me you both were idiots. It's clearly a code, tweedle dumb and tweedle dee" Wilhelmina replied.

"I am not confident in Miss Granger's memory and I believe it will be unwise to rely upon her mere recollection of words. She has proven overtimes in classes that she is not a possessor of impeccable memory," Snape spoke with hostility.

"Well, no one asked your beliefs now did we? at least she has turned up with something, while everybody else is just chasing their own tails. If she is confident that these were the exact words then I trust her and everyone else should too. So instead of refusing to accept it, maybe should try to decipher it" Sirius spoke, his voice held anger that was clearly directed towards the bat-man. He was ready to say much more but held it back for everybody's sake, but he hated the way Snape tried to portray Wilhelmina dumb, he wasn't going to have it.

Wilhelmina was stunned to see Sirius defending her against Snape. She felt thankful for it and could only hope that she doesn't disappoint him.

"Well then everyone must try to look for the hidden meaning behind it, I have a hunch but I cannot reveal it unless I know that it is true," Dumbledore said.

No one bothered to ask him anything, they knew that he won't budge. Soon everyone was dismissed.

At night

Remus was sitting in the library when Wilhelmina approached him.
"Hey Remus"
"Hi, what brings you here at this hour," he asked with a smile.
"I wanted to thank you," she replied
"For what?!" He looked genuinely confused and surprised.
"Obviously for changing topic during the meeting for saving me"
He laughed a little at that
"Well, what can I say, I am a lifesaver".
"That you are."
"By the way, how are you, you know with everything that's happening," She asked in a soft voice, sitting down in front of him.
"I am better than I thought I would be, I mean obviously it's going to take some getting used to, but I think I will be okay." He replied with sincerity.
"How are you ?" He asked, genuinely curious about how his favourite ex-student was doing.
"Well it's definitely not what I imagined but I think I am sure that I won't fall into the pit of despair" She replied with a smile.
He chuckled at that.
"Well I am sure you won't, but I must warn you, Sirius can be difficult."
She groaned at that loudly.
"Oh tell me about it. Ever since he has heard that I jumped into the ocean and swam at night, he has been pestering me all day to take him there for a cliff dive."
Remus laughed at that agreeing that it indeed sounded like Sirius.

After some time Wilhelmina gave Remus a hug and left him in the library. She headed towards Sirius' room.

She knocked on it slightly, wondering if he was already asleep. Just when she was about to leave, the door opened at there stood Sirius Black.
He looked surprised to see her there, but the surprise quickly faded and was replaced by a happy glint.
Wilhelmina was quick to recognise it and just as he was about to open his mouth.
"Not a word Black, Not. A. Word."
He pouted at that.
"But why ?!"
"I am not saying never Sirius, I am just saying not now. Maybe later someday."
"That's an excuse"
"Oh quit whining"
He had a grumpy expression, he really wanted to jump from a cliff into the ocean.

"Anyway, so I was here to thank you."
Now he looked really confused
"Thank me for what ?"
"Well, for taking my side earlier this day, thanks for that."
"Well, now I wasn't going to let Snivellus insult you."

Wilhelmina smiled at that, strands of hair falling on her cheeks. She looked adorable. Sirius shook his head at that and once again focused on his conversation.

"But I need to ask you, how did you manage to remember everything in perfect order ?" He asked her.
"Okay, so you see Sirius, I kind of trained my brain. I have multiple tricks to remember and after practising it for years I am now good at it. So basically if there are numbers, words, sentences, images, faces anything like then I can remember it perfectly" She answered.

Sirius looked astonished at this, he was definitely impressed. The girl in front of him amazed him, she was so talented yet she was completely grounded. He knew for a fact that if he had talents like this then his ego would have skyrocketed.

"You are brilliant," he said with admiration in his tone.
Wilhelmina blushed at the compliment,
"Well thank you, anyway I gotta go. Bye, good night sweet dreams" She waved at went back to her room.
"Good night" Sirius muttered, still amazed.

Author's note - Hello, here's another chapter. I hope that you guys like it. I think the next chapter will be about the wedding. Please comment your thoughts about this one. Bye.

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