Andy walked in and sat on the edge of the bed. She caressed the girl's back above the blanked.

"Maddie pleas tell me what happened I don't want you to be sad."

"Some kid wasn't nice to me today..." she sat up in the bed.

And tilted her head a bit "what do you mean?"
Andy was afraid someone said something about her surgery or her parents. She got comments from other parents about the fact she was a single mom and working in a dangerous job at the time. But it never came down to be said next or to her daughter.

"He tried to take my toy and I didn't let him so he said I'm ugly because my skin is dark and that I should go back to when I came from because I don't belong here" Maddie said quietly looking down, not being able to look at the look of sadness she knew must be on her mother's face. She knew it would upset her mom and she hated it so she didn't want to tell her but she had to.

Andy's heart broke. She had never imagined that a four year old child would say things like that and be so mean.

"Oh baby... come here" she picked Maddie up and placed her on her lap. She wrapped her arms around her tightly and kissed the top of her head.

"Baby do not listen to people who say things like that. You are beautiful. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. You're perfect." Maddie started crying quietly into Andy's chest and Andy just tightened her hands around Maddie's small frame.

"And you do belong here. You were born in Seattle. You live here and this is your home, no letter what a stupid child said. Okay?" She felt Maddie nodding against het.

Andy just sat there and held her daughter tightly. Maddie kept crying for a while but eventually she calmed down. Even though she didn't let go of Andy.

Andy on the other hand tried so hard to stay calm and not shed one tear in front of her daughter. She had to stay strong for her. What kind of parents raise their kid to say things like that?

Her daughter was half black, and she was half Latina. Deep down Andy knew someday she'll have to deal with racism. But at four? Why does a four year old have to hear things like that from her classmate?

All she ever wanted to do wad protect her daughter from everything bad in the world. All she wanted tollways Maddie to be happy. She shouldn't have to cry because that kind of things at such a young age.

And at that moment all Andy wanted to do was find that kid and punch his white ass.
But she couldn't show that anger, and that heartbreak to her daughter. All Maddie needed to know is that she was perfect the way she is and that there's nothing that no one will ever say that would change that.

"Maddie can you tell me who it was?" Andy asked after some time of silence.


"Okay. Thank you for telling me Mads" she brushed a soft kiss on the top of her head and held her daughter for some time until she noticed her even breathing. Telling Andy she was fast asleep.

Andy put her down in bed, tucked the blanket around her, making sure she felt warm and safe. Then she turned the lights off and left the room.

It was already 18:30. Where is Robert? Andy walked to her and Robert's bedroom and changed into one of his hoodies. It was obviously huge on her as it got to her mid/lower thigh but she loved the warm feeling and the scent.

She sat on the bed and without she even realized the tears just flew out of her eye.

She broke down in tears, trying to be as quiet as possible to not wake Maddie up.

Never againOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant