Sure Chris scared me a little but I WANTED to spend more time with him.

What was this boy doing to me?

"I understand if you don't want..."

"No ill go." I said quickly.

"That's great, what time should I pick you up?" And he did sound genuinely happy.

Think quick Sam!

He can't see him here.

"It's fine ill take my...crap I forgot I left it at the library..."

"Don't worry about it, I brought Mad Dog back early this morning with a little morning gift."

"Thanks your a life saver." I snuck out of my room and outside.

Sure enough there she was with a bag if McDonalds on top with a cup of coffee.

I touched the bag.

"Hmm coffee is still warm, which means..."

"Hey! I said I dropped Mad Dog off, not your breakfast. I put that about 15 minutes ago as I was heading to visit a friend from out if town."

I touched the bag and smiled.

"Well thank you for breakfast."

"Your welcome" He laughed throatily. I heard someone in the background mumble something "Don wants to say hi."

"Hey Sammy. " Dons voice said a few seconds later.

"Hey Donny. " I teased back.

He laughed then Chris said.

"Well I will call you later beautiful, have a good morning."

" You too, ill see you later."

I hung up reluctantly.

I went inside and into my room.

As I ate my breakfast I thought of Chris.

I couldn't wait to see him later.

Now I just needed to figure out how to sneak out without getting caught.


I hung up the phone smiling.

"Barbeque? Bonfire?" Don raised an eyebrow. "First I hear of it."

"Shuddup! " I laughed " I had to figure out a way to see her again."

Don made a whipping sound.

"I'm not whipped. " I replied rolling my eyes.

"I'm just teasing." Don replied " I'm Happy for you. Now all you need is to figure out what is going on with my future Luna."

"And soon hopefully. " I sighed.

We entered Hallow Fields Pack land as I parked in front of the pack house.

Tyler came you to us as we exited.

"Are you clued in?" He asked.

"No, Tell me."

"A few days ago a Hallows Field Hunting group was attacked. Three were killed, a young pup and two women. Six were injured but recovered." He said as we entered, and went into the study.

My father and his Beta were speaking to the Alpha, but looked up when we entered.

"Don, Chris this is Alpha Jasper Hallows. His family has been on this property for many generations, but this has rarely happened."

We shook hands and sat down.

"We are a peaceful people" He said "We never expected this, especially on a peaceful outing. My men managed to fight off the rogues and out of our land. They were heading South."

"Closer to our land." I growled.

Don stiffened beside me.

My father walked over to a board containing a map of all the Packs.

A red circle around Tyler's land, and Jasper's. The Hallows pack was a little North of Tyler's.

"What is their strategy? " He slammed his fist on the board.

"Their rouges, they have no strategy." Don's father patted his shoulder "Well find them and stop them."

"But how many more lives will have to be lost?" He shook his head regretfully.

We were all silent.

"Has there been any news on Tyler's gaurds? " I asked suddenly.

Tyler shook his head beside me.

"None, and none from your men either."

"What could have possibly happened? They're really well trained warriors, they could have fought their own." Don thought out loud.

"Not against a pack of rouges. " Tyler said.

We were all silent for a while.

These rouges had to be stopped!

But how if all our men were disappearing on us?

"There's no other choice but to let them come to us" I sighed standing up and going to my father "Well get them Dad, and they won't be able to harm anyone else."

He nodded in agreement.

"Thank you for having us Jasper " My dad said.

"My pleasure, if you need any help don't hesitate on contacting me."

We said our good byes and drove away.

Now for a barbeque to plan.


These are by new chapters, hope youre still enjoying AM c:


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