"You must miss your uncle very much," Yasamin says as I finish my story.

A lump swells in my throat, and I nod, not trusting myself to speak further. I didn't have the heart to tell her Mordecai was my cousin, not my uncle.

"My family is from Persepolis," she says soberly, staring into her half-finished tea. "My father is always going on business trips, and my mother and sister always beg for him to take us with him. A few days ago, he finally agreed.

"We were so excited. Susa! The grand city where the king himself lives. My sister..." she trails off, sniffling. "Well, when the decree was enforced, we were in a dress shop looking for her wedding garment. We were separated and I haven't seen her since."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I console her, offering a gentle smile. "This hasn't been easy for anyone."

"And that Sara!" she cries dramatically, "she has been so cold and awful to me."

"Do you think she could just be trying to hide her fear or worry?" I point out in a soft voice.

Yasamin mumbles, shrugging. "She could at least try to be nice."

"I agree it isn't... pleasant," I admit, "but we've only known her for a short time. Perhaps we should give her a chance."

"I suppose," Yasamin concedes, going silent for a moment. "Do you know where she is from?"

"I don't have a clue," I tell her, "she must be visiting from outside the empire."

"How unlucky that she was caught by the guards, then," my new friend muses, twirling a curly lock of hair that frames her expressive, beautiful face.

We fill the next few hours with idle chatter. Well, Yasamin does most of the talking and seems perfectly content with short responses and nods from me.

I learn all about her and her family. My heart aches for Yasamin's sister who was merely weeks away from marrying the man she loved. Now she, like us, is trapped in the court of a powerful king.

As we discuss how many women could join us this evening, studiously avoiding the topic of our impending examination, a loud knock freezes us in our comfortable positions sprawled on the lounges.

"Yes?" Yasamin calls out, attempting to keep her voice from shaking and failing.

We lock eyes, and fear is mirrored in our gazes.

"On behalf of the head eunuch Hegai, I summon you to the required exam. Please present to the entrance hall within five minutes."

The man doesn't wait for our response and his footsteps fade away.

"Well, we may as well get this over with," I say, standing to straighten my skirts.

Yasamin hasn't moved, staring down at her nails.

"Are you okay?" I stoop down to ask her.

Her head snaps up as if forgetting I was there.

"Oh yes," she says sharply, "I am fine. Well, let's get it over with then."

She stands with purpose, striding towards the door. I follow her, chewing on my lip in thought. Yasamin yanks the door open and marches through, and I hurry to keep up.

"There's no need to run," I tell her as she narrowly dodges a surprised servant carrying a vase of fresh flowers.

She looks back at me over her shoulders and must see my confused expression because she finally slows and waits for me to move into step with her.

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