Jayden didn't know that one of the kids in her class had gone looking for Jon and Jordan and she sure didn't want them to tell their parents what was happening either.

"Just admit it Kent. You wanna fuck me so badly in hurts"

Brett didn't know what happened after feeling a fist collide with his jaw and his head bouncing off the metal locker. Jayden didn't stop there, she kicked him in the stomach and proceeded to punch him senseless until two familiar hands pulled her back from the douchebag's body.

Jonathan and Jordan only made it from one end of the school to the other just in time to see their sister throw the first punch. They were also surprised that she didn't stop, Jayden never let her anger cloud her judgement. Usually they only went on this long when the other person was fighting back.

The brothers looked at each other for less then a second before running through the large crowd that had formed to get to their sister. In those few moments Jonathan wasn't a football star and Jordan wasn't a socially awkward freak. They were the only ones who could stop this before Jayden,

their baby sister,

did any real damage.

Once they got Jayden's attention, the triplets felt a blanket of security wash over them. Jayden took a few deep breaths, her hand no longer numb as the adrenaline wore off and the pain began . She looked behind her, meeting both her brothers eyes and the world stood still.

They can not know. They can never know why or what was said. Ever.

That phrase repeated in her mind like a broken record. Jayden always knew she was the youngest. The shortest and the most liable for getting hurt. And she also knows her father and brothers treat her like glass, a fragile object that could break with confrontation. She blames that on being the only girl.

Jayden just hugged her brothers tight, knowing she wouldn't see them till late that evening as per usual when she gets into fights like this. "I love you guys" Jayden says as she notices the principal walking her way through the crowd.

"We love you too, Jay" the boys said in unison, pulling back from the hug. "I'm gonna bounce before mom gets here" Jayden informed her brothers, taking Brett's varsity jacket off the floor. The brother nodded before their pink haired sister ran out the emergency exit.


Jayden ran from her school, phone buzzing in her pocket. The teen couldn't be bothered to check, knowing her mother had been called. Jayden waltzes through the busier parts of Metropolis. Around here people, mostly tourists, were bound to see Superman at least twice.

Jayden had put on her headphones, Fall Out Boy blasting at full volume.

She was unaware of the ongoing fight between Superman and the infamous Thaddeus Killgrave.

She didn't notice the man running towards her with a stolen cop gun.

But hell did she notice when he grabbed her arm and put a gun to her head.

"Any closer or I'll blow her brains out" Killgrave threatened Superman as he landed in front of them. Jyaden saw the hesitation in his eyes. Maybe he knew that she was Lois' daughter? Perhaps he didn't know what to do?

"Thaddeus, she's just a kid" Superman tries to reason with the criminal. His grip was tighter on Jayden. Her headphones laid on the floor, forgotten as Jayden rolled her eyes.

She could not be bothered with this evil genius after what had happened less than a half hour ago. "Let me save you the time" Jayden told the hero before turning around quickly, punching Killgrave as hard as she could.

Killgrave fell to the concrete floor, the trigger pulled. Superman wrapped his arms around Jayden, holding her as tight as he could from the explosive bullet.

Superman let go of Jayden, turning around to see Kilgrave unconscious on the floor. He looked back at Jayden, who calmly enough bent down to pick up her headphones. She acted like she didn't just risk her life.

"You okay Blue?" Jayden asked the hero, hand on hip. Superman shook his head for a moment, staring at his daughter in bewilderment. "Are you insane?" He asked her, hoping he could hide his fatherly concern and slight anger.

Jayden looked calm at him, slightly making her father (unbeknownst to her) queasy. "Probably. Why do I look like Harley Quinn with my hair or somethin'?" Jayden asked him calmly, putting her headphones around her neck

"No. Shouldn't you be in school... Ms?" Superman played dumb. "First, it's Jayden not Ms. Second I got into a fight so I'm taking my last taste of freedom before my mom and dad kill me and ground me" Jayden smiled innocently.

The local authorities came to arrest Thaddeus while taking a statement from Jayden. Superman thought for a moment. Sure Jayden was in the height of trouble, and Lois had been texting him and using the ELT telling him about what happened. But Jayden needed a lift home and he couldn't just leave his daughter alone after having a gun to her head.

Superman walked up to the leading officer, placing a hand on Jayden's shoulder. "I have contacted this young lady's parents and will be taking her home" Superman told him.

The hero led Jayden outside, noticing her unusual silence. "You alright kid?" He asked her. Jayden turned to him, a frown on her face. "No cause my mom is gonna murder me. Plus I hate making my Dad angry" Jayden told the hero.

"I doubt they're going to be that mad after what happened" Superman told her. Jayden just rolled her eyes. "Whatever, I just wanna go home now" Jayden said.


Jayden sat down in the kitchen, her mother shouting at her like there were no neighbours.

"Are you even listening to me!" Lois caught her daughter's attention. "When is Dad coming home?" Jayden asked, bored from her mother's shouting. "I don't know. Go to your room until he is home, now" Lois told her daughter.

Jayden left as quickly as she could, closing her door. She laid on her bed, the events of the day catching up with her. All Jayden wanted was to cry, the fear she ignored bubbling inside her.

Yet nothing was coming out. She closed her eyes, tiredness washing over her. When she opened her eyes next, her door was being opened.

"I'm sorry Rebel, did I wake you?" Clark asked his daughter. Jayden shook her head, sitting up straight. "No" She muttered softly as her Dad sat beside her. "I saw what happened at work. Wanna talk about it?" Clark asked her, wrapping his arm around his daughter's shoulders.

Jayden was now on the verge of tears, shaking her head vigorously. She buried her head into her father's chest, finally letting her bottled up emotions out. Clark held his daughter close, kissing her head every so often. 

Superhero [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora