Chapter three - The man from today

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Once the mysterious man had left the rest of the day came and went, we had a few customers here and there but nothing major. The time was about 6pm when i left work, taking my usual route i walked through the lovely part of town with lights and decorations. It had gotten a great deal colder than what it was this morning, but you never can tell with the weather because one minute is sunny and the sky is clear, the next it's dark and clouds with a chance of rain!

It was about 6:40pm by the time I arrived back home. My apartment is on the 4th floor, it was the best apartment they had on the market when I looked.

As I made my way up to the fourth floor I felt like something wasn't right. "Hold on," I thought to myself, "Why is my door open with music playing?! I could've sworn I turned everything off and locked up this morning."

Slowly I opened my door to see everything looking normal, but then I felt something sharp go into the side of my neck and everything went black...


"No wonder the guy at the music shop looked familiar, he was my crew's next target." I thought to myself whilst waiting around in his apartment. I found out that his name is Charlie Andrew but it was originally Zack Evermore, that was before his memory got wiped by his old crew after he screwed up badly on a mission.

You may be wondering why he's the next target, well his brain has some very useful information my crew needs to be able to access something big, something only Charlie's old crew has. At first I thought he wouldn't have the information in his head because his memory got wiped, but now it's locked away somewhere in his mind and we have to find the key to unlock it. 

It was roughly 6:40pm by the time I heard him come to a stop outside his door.

"Why has he stopped?" i thought to myself "damn it! Oscar left the door open, he's definitely going to suspect something is off now." 

I managed to sneak up behind him as he walked further in. The serum was ready to be injected. I just had to find the right spot on his neck, the correct spot was the right side of his neck so that's where I injected him with what knocked him out a second later. I called Oscar out from where he was hiding to help me carry Charlie's body down the fire escape exit in the hopes of not being spotted. We put him in the back of the car and set him up to look as if he was sleeping. "That wasn't too difficult, now to find the key to his mind."


I'm Oscar Hauger and tonight was my first proper mission to help do something important. What's even better is I get to do it with the best in our crew, Hunter.

Hunter has always been one of the best but since his dad was killed he's kept to himself a lot more and started to train harder and harder every day to become the best.

But anyway back to the task at hand, Hunter called for me a few minutes later to help carry Charlie's body down the fire escape to the car. That's all he needed me for, that and driving the car.

We made our way back to the hideout going through all the back as it's faster and easier to not be tracked as not many people know about them.

It only took us about 20 minutes to get back, we were met at the gates by Savanna. She greeted us, checked the car over for anything suspicious and gave us the all clear. Just as we were about to go she called out saying "The boss wants you, he says it's important!"'

Whenever the boss says something is important you should get a move on because he can get annoyed pretty quickly.

A/N: This is the last chapter I have written at the moment, chapter 4 is in progress!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2021 ⏰

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