Chapter one - The unusual customer

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"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you because I love you and that's never going to change..." he whispered through the tears streaming down his face.


Wait a minute. Before we get to that part I want to lead you up to that point, the point my enemy confessed his love to me. A simple guy like me who thought he was ordinary until today.


Hey I'm Charlie and it's the end of my first week working at the music shop. I woke up just like normal at 7am sharp thinking today would be normal, but my god was i in for a shock. I made my way to work for 8am, I went past Mrs. Hughes' shop to say hi, I picked up a sandwich for lunch later and I even walked through the park today because of the lovely weather. It was a wonderful way to start my day.

I got to the shop just before 8am and opened everything up, set up the till, put the displays out and made sure everything was perfect. My boss Tyler and my colleague Roxie arrived a little while later saying a grumbly "Hey Charlie" as they walked in, they are like that to me most of the time. To be honest I don't think they like me very much, they only hired me because they needed an extra member of staff.

It had just gone 10am by the time we got our first customer. He wasn't one of our usual's but man was he hot. He had dark brown hair which went to one side, he had stunning green eyes along with a lovely build and a few tattoos. The guy came up to me and asked me with a rather deep mysterious tone "where are your guitar strings?" I pointed him in the direction of the left wall with the rack of guitar strings ranging from normal silver to neon colours. "Would you like some help with anything?" I asked him with a smile, I couldn't help but smile. It's just part of- who I am. He turned and looked at me slowly with a cold face and said "No." Then he walked off in the direction I told him too.

A/N: This is my first book so ideas would be appreciated!

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