8. Remembering the arguement

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Summary: Bella and Edward are engaged in 1918 when the Spanish Influenza hits Chiacgo. When Edward 'dies' Bella is alone with her grief, making her cold and cruel to everyone around her.

87 years later when now vampire Bella arrives in Forks Washington, she meets the Cullens and a familiar bronze haired vampire who looks like her Edward but it couldn't be, could it? With a little help from the Cullens, will Bella get her forever with her Edward? Will Edward melt the ice around her heart?


I watch as Bella leaves the meadow after kissing me and saying 'you're not him.' in her broken voice. My finger traces my lips. "Oh, love." I whisper, closing my eyes. She really thinks I'm not real. "She doesn't think it's me." I say brokenly. "Well we'll make her believe it's you, I've seen it in her eyes: her head knows it's you but her heart won't allow her to react to it." Alice says. I shake my head. "Bella is extremely stubborn so once she thinks something there's no changing that, believe me, me and our parents have tried to change her mind and we almost got our heads ripped off. We had a massive argument two weeks before I proposed to her about me joining the Army and it was the worst one we've ever had, she had to leave the room before she ripped me apart." A grim smile comes out on my face at the memory. "Tell us about it, maybe it'll help us make her believe you're real." Jasper says. I nod.

"We were having dinner at my house..."

The Army Argument- 1918- age:17

"I'm going to enlist in the Army once I turn 18." I announce. Father, Charles and Renèe smile at me, delighted that I'll be serving our country. Mother and my Bella, on the other hand look positively pained. "No you're not, Edward jr." Mother snaps, putting her knife and fork down. Father looks at her pointedly. "Elizabeth, if the boy wants to enlist and serve our country then who are we to tell him no?" Father says, frowning slightly at her. Mother sighs. "Fine, son, if you want to enlist, then you have my blessing under protest." She says, sighing defeated. She can't argue with Father and she knows it. My Bella looks lost for words, she slams her cutlery down, making us jump. "Oh no." Charles mutters to Renèe. Bella whips her head to me, anger clear as day shining in her brown eyes. "Are you seriously encouraging him to go?! Have you all lost your minds?! He could be killed!" She hisses, tears welling up in her pretty eyes. What's worse than an angry Bella is a crying Bella. "He knows that and you're all encouraging him to go and die!" Oh boy, she's really angry. "Isabella, watch your tone!" Renée admonishes her daughter who glares at her. "Don't speak!" Bella snarls at her mother. "Do whatever you want, Edward, but know this: I won't give you my blessing for it." She snaps before we hear her kitten heels storm out of the house. Everyone sighs as Charles looks at my face. "Don't listen to her when she's like that, she doesn't mean or know what she says when she's in these moods. She'll accept it tomorrow."
"I hope so." I mutter.

"How did you make it up to her?" Alice asks, light shining in her eyes as soon as I finished speaking:I chuckle. "All I had to do is promise her that I would come home to her once the war was over." I sigh. "If only that would work on her now." I mutter. I look at my sister. "Can you search for her future? See if we reunite again?" I ask, pleading almost. Alice sighs before looking for my love's future.
"There's a lake at the edge of the forest. Carlisle will stumble across her swimming tomorrow evening when the sun is setting, they'll talk stuff out then Esme and Edward will smell a deer and chase after it but come across Carlisle's scent, when they arrive, Bella and Edward will look at each other before Bella's heart finally lets her realize that he is alive and they'll say their little promise then go flying into the water before Bella kisses him. Done!" She exclaims. I sigh. "It might not work like that, the future could change, Alice, you never know."Alice scoffs and hugs Jasper. "It will work, Edward, I've seen it. Don't bet on me."

Melting the ice around her heart.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt