9. Talking with Carlisle Cullen

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Summary: Bella and Edward are engaged in 1918 when the Spanish Influenza hits Chiacgo. When Edward 'dies' Bella is alone with her grief, making her cold and cruel to everyone around her.

87 years later when now vampire Bella arrives in Forks Washington, she meets the Cullens and a familiar bronze haired vampire who looks like her Edward but it couldn't be, could it? With a little help from the Cullens, will Bella get her forever with her Edward? Will Edward melt the ice around her heart?


The sun is slowly setting as I strip my purple cover up off, revealing my two piece dark blue, silk, lace bikini. The light from the sun makes the clear water in the lake a light orange. Unconsciously, I trace my lips where I kissed  Edward yesterday. What was I thinking about kissing him?  Why did I kiss him? I did it because he looks like Edward from my human life but it  doesn't mean he's the same Edward from my past, he's totally different, he's got  a large family: Parents and siblings, whereas I don't have either, he got lucky as a vampire, I didn't. We're from different vampire worlds.

I jump into the lake water, not feeling the temperature thanks to my ice cold body. I swim until I hear a twig break. It's just a rabbit. I think to myself as I start swimming again. It's not long before I hear footsteps. I get out of the lake, wrap a towel around me and sit on a boulder, watching the sunset when I feel someone sit next to me. I know who it is instantly: Dr. Cullen.

"Why couldn't you tell me what you were and that you could save him?" I ask. Dr. Cullen sighs beside me. "I couldn't at the time because our world had one law and that is not to tell a human what we are." He explains. I roll my eyes. "You could have changed me the same time you changed Edward." I argue. Dr. Cullen sighs. "In my case, I only change people who don't have another choice and as I recall you were very healthy and Edward was close to dying and he was young and he had his whole life ahead of him. I couldn't let him die." I nod, agreeing with him. "Dr. Cullen, did it ever occur to you that the reason Edward hates you is because he promised me, two days before you turned him into a bloodsucking monster, that I'd never be alone and then he 'died'  and suddenly I was alone again because of you?" I hiss, standing up, drying my hair and putting on my cover up. "Isabella, I'm aware that you lost your parents, your fiancées parents and your fiancée at the same time but you could've lived a long and happy life." I scoff. "No, Dr Cullen, I couldn't, not without Edward, you of all people should know that." Dr. Cullen nods. "Yes, I do and I'm sorry that you were alone but he wanted you to be happy." I growl. "What don't you understand? I couldn't live without him!" I shout at the doctor. He sighs. "I know, all I want to say is that I'm sorry that both you and my family are mad at me that I told Edward couldn't ever see you, I hope you can forgive me." I sigh. "Dr. Cullen, while I don't trust you, I do forgive you, after all you gave him what he's always wanted: a big family." I hope Edward is proud of me for forgiving the doctor.

"Carlisle?!" A woman calls. I stand up and growl. Dr. Cullen stands up as well. "Easy, Isabella, it's just Esme." He soothes. I sigh as the tension leaves my body. Esme and Edward come out of the woods, looking relieved. Edward looks at me with his crooked smile that made me feel weak as a human. "Hello, Bella." He says politely. I nod curtly. "Edward." I say, my mask slipping. It's him. My mind and heart  scream at me. "Edward?" I ask, gently. Edward nods. "It's me, love." He say just as gently.

"Now, tomorrow, next week and forever." We say in unison.
"I love you, Isabella Swan."
"I love you, Edward Masen."

Edward is in front of me and suddenly I get the urge to push into the lake so I do, slashing Esme and Dr. Cullen in the process. Edward's lips are on mine and suddenly we're kissing like we used to do in the meadow.

Melting the ice around her heart.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum