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It was a very long, quiet wait. Draco had called his parents, who agreed to watch the children. Harry didn't love that idea. However, it was made clear, anybody under fourteen, wasn't welcomed there. That disappointed them all. Harry, kind of missed Jill being close. Jill was after all his little baby girl. She loved her daddy and Harry had grown to love the attention. He just reach over and grabbed Draco's hand, who rested his head against Harry's shoulder. Harry's left hand, was aching slightly, but it really didn't matter. He wasn't sure when Hermione left the waiting room, but she entered the room, looking a bit exhausted and a hand going briefly to her stomach. Harry shrugged it off, as the next couple of hours went by.
A nurse soon entered the waiting area. "He's in recovery. Let me talk to the two of you, alone, for a moment." The doctor taking about Sirius and Remus, who followed the doctor outside the double doors of the waiting room. Harry figured it was about Teddy's refusal to take the pain killers, but that wasn't at all what it was about. The doctors had found marks on Teddy. Marks showing more then just the broken leg. It wasn't an accident what happened.
Sirius took off, running, outside the hospital and down the street. Remus, very upset, went to Harry. Harry got to his feet. "Hermione...I'm trusting you not to fuck this up." Was all Harry said, before taking off with Remus to find Sirius. "I'm assuming you don't want to go home, do you?" She looked over at Hugo, who just shook his head. "I have to find out what happened, mom..." After a moment, she got to her feet, and disappeared outside the double doors.

Hermione found her way to the recovery floor. Without permission. She knew they required at least an hour after surgery before visitations, but there wasn't any time to wait. She looked over the names on the door, before finding Teddy's room. She slowly eased opened the door. Teddy hadn't agreed to the medicine, and the nurse frown out the sight of Hermione. "You shouldn't be back here." Hermione just walked over to the other side of the hospital bed. "Bring a pill and is it possible to undo the I.V? Can't he just take the medication oral?" The nurse gave her a funny look. Teddy still hand bandages on his left arm, where he'd used the most in the past. She took the small pair of scissors and cut the bandages off. The nurse let out a sigh. "I'll...talk to the doctor too see if that's a possibility, but he has to take something for the pain. His blood pressure is getting to high." Hermione went looking for some new bandages in the hospital room. "Get the doctor too agree. It should make it a lot easier to convince him to take something." The nurse, after a second, exited the room.

The hospital door was pushed opened a few minutes later. The doctor walked in. Not looking very happy. "I didn't expect them to run off like they did." Hermione shrugged her shoulders. "I can't help you there, but what I can do is help him." After a pause the doctor walked over. Hermione had already bandaged back up his arm, and the Doctor pulled out the I.V. and bandaged up his hand. Hermione eased the hospital bed up to sit. Teddy really disliked that, a lot. It hurt very much, shooting the pain up his leg, through his body. It took everything inside him, not to scream out. He was still somewhat out of it...Being foggy form the surgery medicines still. Looked over at the doctor, who held out a tiny cup of pills. "It's the only way they'll agree not to do the I.V, don't really make me have to bring Hugo in here. You look like death right now." It took a minute for the word to click inside Teddy's kind form Hermione, but he slowly took the tiny cup, throwing the pills into his mouth. He was handed a glass of water, to finish taking the pills with.

About an hour later, Hermione went to get Hugo. Teddy was feeling a lot more alive, and wasn't hurting near as much. The pain killer was weaker took orally, and it was better that way. Better for his mind, better over all. He couldn't explain it and wouldn't he didn't want to talk about taking the medicines. He did like it still, not at all. Hugo wiggled in beside him in the hospital bed. The other side of Teddy if course. "I'll be fine. They fixed it all up." Hugo looked up at his mom, who let out a sigh. "They found something else, Teddy. Something that proved it wasn't an accident at work." Teddy went quiet, for a very long time. "I'm... guessing...by the fact your here, they took off?" Hermione gave a nod. "Seems Sirius was the one that took off, Remus and Harry are trying to locate him. They haven't had much luck, unfortunately." Teddy let out a sigh, and eased back to rest against the back of the hospital bed, that was sitting up still. "It's not going to do anything but get pa into trouble. So why-" The look Hermione give him, told him everything he needed to know. "One...of my...dealers came looking for me...and he wasn't alone. I don't even know why the hell he came looking. I was never behind. I'm not even sure how he found me." He kind of mumbled it and after a pause. "You sure your boss didn't call? She still doesn't like you." Hugo kind of whined. "She'll be missing half her face if she did something like that...I don't think she would...Would she?" Hermione exited the hospital room. "Mom will find out. She's really sneaky."

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