Chapter twenty-Nine

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Little Sirius ran into the hospital room when they got there. Tammy followed Him as Harry held Jill up on his hip as he talked to the doctor. "What's going on with her?" Harry asked. "She has a very treatable cancer, but because of her minor health complications it's keeping her very weak." He replied. "Why did they put him in a foster home?" Harry asked. "Because we can't have a ten year old at the hospital. She has trouble taking care of herself at the moment, let alone a child." He said and Harry let out a sigh. "How... Possible is it to get her to my house? I can arrange daily care for her." Harry said. "Who?" He asked. "My husband, one of my fathers and my brother can all be there. Maybe not all at once, but somebody will always be there." Harry said. "Her wheelchair is able to fold down. As long as she agrees, it can be by this afternoon." He said. "She won't agree if you tell her my name, please use my husband's name. Please." Harry said. "Why...wouldn't she agree?" He asked, very concerned. "Because...she is concerned I blame her for not coming home. Please." Harry said. "Normally...I wouldn't...but I will." He said.

The nurse wheeled her out to the van and Harry hurried out the van and over to them. "Thank you." Harry said. "A doctor will call you form your local hospital about the next round of chemotherapy." She said. "Again, thank you." Harry said, getting handed the folder. "Take care." She said and Harry helped her get in the van passenger front sit and putting the wheel chair behind her sit and Hurried back into the van. Jill was getting fussy, she waz over due for a bottle. "Hungry baby." Lily spoke. "Yeah...wanna feed her? She'll just sit against you." Harry said, climbing back out and opened the side door. "Sure." Lily replied and Jill soon lay in her arm drinking her bottle. It was quiet on half the ride back home. "I...suppose I should have found you anyway." Lily said. "I get it. Trust me. You just have to deal with my husband or Teddy most likely helping out you. With all the kids Remus can't really keep up anymore." Harry said. "Teddy is?" She asked. "Their only son. Remus health got worst after him so about 15 years ago once it improved, they started to foster. One kid at a time." Harry said. "How many is it you have then?" She asked. "Eight, and no she isn't the youngest either." Harry said. "She's not very old." Lily said. "It's a long story." Harry said. "Alright...I don't quiet remember much about them though." Lily said. "I got your medical reports and I'll make the calls. It'll be fine." Harry said, before Jill giggled out and sat up in Lily's lap. "Yes, I see you Jill." Harry said. "Happy baby." Lily said.

Harry was at a lost that night, he had no idea what to say to Sirius about Lily or little Sirius. He only felt the kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you just have them come over tomorrow? Have them see your brother and then explain everything in person. Even if she doesn't quite remember them or even you. I think they will be happy to have her back." Draco said, before getting a light kiss. "Thank you, Draco. I just...I don't even know what I think about this." Harry said, getting pushed down on the bed. "Take a bath and think about it." Draco smiled and Harry laughed. "Love, I don't take baths." Harry said. "Professor! You can take a bath. It will relax you and it's good for thinking. I'm running you a bath." Draco kind of fussed, heading towards the bathroom. Harry let out a small laugh, but gathered his sleep wear.
Harry did lay half in the water. The hot water did feel really good on his lower back, that often hurt very mildly. Draco still wasn't told about it, and Harry planned in not telling him either. So, maybe the hot water bath was a good idea, though...He never really wanted to admit that, because he did feel foolish. A grown 30 something year old man laying in the bath, but then again...he did have an 18 year old husband. Harry was half asleep, so he didn't hear Draco come in. He only felt Draco's cold fingers on his forehead. "Now...What are you doing?" Harry said kind of sleepily. "Making sure you can relax, professor." Draco said softly. "How about...I get out and Lay on the bed. You massage my lower back. That will put me to sleep." Harry whispered. "Alright, Professor." Draco smiled.

Draco whined until Harry took off his shirt once he came out of the bedroom. Harry gave in, and laid face down on the bed after putting his Glasses on the end table. Draco sat down on Harry's bottom, before Harry felt a little lotion be put on his lower back before Draco started to massage it. Between the bath and Draco's light touches, Harry was very relaxed and soon fell asleep. Draco smiled and give Harry a light kiss when he pulled the blanket up over Harry.
Draco walked into the girls (and Samuel) as they were getting ready for bed. "Sarah, daddy went to sleep early. You going to be okay if he-" Draco started. "Yeah, Daddy needs his rest too." Sarah said, pulling up her phone for the night. "Alright, in the bed, kids." Draco said, watching the kids climb into their bunks. "School starts back tomorrow." Samuel fussed. "Yes, it does. You kids will do wonderful in school and never forget me and grandpa are very happy to help you with homework." Draco said, giving Hope and Tammy their head kisses before turning off the main light. "Goodnight kids!" Draco said, before easing the door shut.

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