Chapter Thirty

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Even though it was late, Draco sat up on the bed working on some school work. He couldn't let himself fall behind, again. The news of the pregnancy was still hidden until the doctors appointment. He hardly came up...but then again it had only been a few days since Harry knew. Everything going on with the children, it would be kind of hard to think about the small embryo growing inside Draco. Draco never really talk about it himself either. He was very used to dealing with this alone. So, not talking about it did bother him just a touch, but not really. Harry's phone started to ring about two am, that Draco quickly answers. "Professor Potter phone." Draco said. "Ah, Little hubby. I need to speak to Harry please." Said one of the other professors at the collage. "How about calling at a more reasonable time?" Draco fussed. "You aren't going to wake him are you?" He said. "I'm glad your teaching degree is being used for yourself rather then just teaching." Draco said, with much of a tone. "Alright there little Draco. Watch what-" He started. "Try it and Harry will quick your ass and I'll have you reported. I don't care what's going on, you don't call at 2am!" Draco fussed, before the phone was hung up.

Harry woke up the next morning, to see Draco asleep hugging a fairy tail book and he smiled. Harry woke Draco up with a kiss. "I see why your kids loves fairy tails books." Harry smiled and Draco blushed. "I couldn't sleep after my homework...and us...I use to read to them." Draco admitted and Harry smiled. "I think it's adorable." Harry said, going to reach for his phone that wasn't on the end table. "Where's my-" Harry started. "Er...I might have pissed off a professor when they called last night." Draco somewhat frown and Harry let out a sigh. "They really shouldn't be calling during the night, but Draco. I don't need problems with the other professors." Harry said, as Draco handed him his phone. "I don't want them thinking that can call at two in the morning! You need your sleep." Draco fussed and after a pause, he got a kiss. "I do love you, but no more talking to the other professor." Harry said and Draco nodded. "I'm sorry...I guess maybe the baby is...making me a little crabby." Draco frown. "It's okay, just no more." Harry said and Draco nodded.
Draco went to get the children ready and Harry returned the phone call. "You know-" He started. "You should know better then to call that late! He had every right to be moody." Harry fussed and after a huff. "Fine, whatever. Can you cover my last class Tuesday? My wife has a one day operation." He said. "No, I can't. I told all you guys at the last staff meeting I can no longer cover classes. I have eight children and a husband now. Just cancel it." Harry said. "Please?" He asked. "No, and I can't believe you called me at such a time for this!" Harry said, hanging up the phone.

"Harry." Samuel ask pulling on his sleeve after he came into the bedroom. "Good morning Samuel." Harry said, turning around in his chair. "Sam, just sam." He fussed. "Is...there a reason you are in Sarah's clothes?" Harry asked. "I liked them. Draco said I had to ask you before I left." He said. "Are you sure you want to wear them, Sam?" Harry asked. "Yes, I am sure." He said. "Alright, but you understand the kids at school might not like the clothes." Harry asked. "I know." He said. "Alright, lets go get breakfast." Harry said and they joined the table for breakfast.
"What did the professor want?" Draco said. "A slap is what he wanted." Harry said and Draco laughed. "That bad?" He asked. "Just not using his brain is all, Sirius is picking you up. I have to go ahead. There's a meeting this morning." Harry said. "Again?" Draco whined. "Yes, again." Harry somewhat complained, before giving Draco a kiss and took off.
Teddy and Sirius got there soon after the older kids got to school. Draco grabbed his school bag and his new phone Harry got him for Christmas. He felt a little sick to his stomach, and a hand did go briefly over his mouth before he let out a sigh. Draco run a hand throughout his hair. "You okay, Draco?" Sirius asked, holding his keys. "Yeah, I'm good." Draco lied, as he told the kids goodbye and give the babies a small kiss on the head before heading out with Sirius. Sirius was taking Draco to the collage because Harry had to leave early. "Are you sure you're okay? I can get Hermione to write you a note." He asked. "No, I'm fine. Trust me." Draco said and heard the small sigh given by him. "A bit overwhelmed?" He asked. "No! I said I was fine." Draco said. A bit cabby. "Oh, alright." Sirius said, and finished the drive. "See you Sunday." He said as Draco was getting out. Draco gave a nod and Hurried inside.

Draco went straight to the bathroom and ended up vomiting what he had for breakfast. Ugh. He headed this part so much. It was going to be so hard to hide another pregnancy...he wasn't sure if Harry was ready for the whole campus to learn about his pregnancy...and Draco wasn't either because he daughter wasn't very old. Draco, out of Habit, had a toothbrush and was able to brush his teeth before heading to his first class. Of course English with Professor Potter.
The second he walked in. "Draco!" Screamed a voice form the past and before he realised what was happening, He was knocked on his ass in a hug. "Pansy! What are you doing here?" Draco asked. "I guess my second letter hasn't made if here yet. Me and Blaise decided to come here!" She smiled.

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