Chapter 8

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Two winters passed and the pups had grown into full sized Oní. They were playful and eager to please, they were the joy of the Oní and Jamila who considered them her children.

It was one of those days that Jamila had decided to spend at home, she was braiding Nyla's hair while Kira slept, the town crier circled the village beating his gong furiously, "Three of the Chief's wives have died mysteriously, there will be a selection tomorrow!"

Fear gripped Jamila as Kia raced into the house, "did you hear the selection is tomorrow!" she squealed. Kia was now nineteen winters old enough to be selected and with the way The Chief looked at her, she would be selected. "Kia a few winters ago 3 of his wives died mysteriously again today 3 of his wives have died mysteriously! Aren't you scared?!" Jamila asked, "Jamila, if I marry the Chief we would be rich!" said Kia, "Kia we're already satisfied! We don't need more money! Kia please!" said Jamila.

Kia sighed and placed her hands on Jamila's shoulder "Jamila, I promise I wouldn't let anything happen to me, alright? So don't worry" said Jamila.

"Fine, as long as you keep your promise" said Jamila.

The next day Jamila couldn't bring herself to attend the selection so she spent the day in the evil forest. Late that day, Kira and Nyla informed her that Kia had been selected.

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