(2) Hope Is Alive

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As I reached the police station I saw a beautiful girl sitting in the corner sleeping. She looked tired ,worn out and somewhat scared. Her frame was small and she even looked malnourished. I instantly knew that she was the poor girl who lost her family. I went to the officer Jenny and informed her of my arrival. As expected the girl was the one I had to work with.

I sat next to her and gently tried to wake her up but as I nudged her shoulder she instantly woke up flinching and covered her face.
I was in this field of work for almost 7 years and I sadly knew what exactly happened with her. She looked so pure and innocent that it broke my heart when I came to the realisation after assessing her that she might have been in a bad situation.

I kindly smile at her and said 
"Good morning Hope don't worry you are safe. I am Linda and I am your social worker. I am so sorry for your loss but I assure you that I will take care that you get a safe place to live and you don't need to be anxious about you future"

I saw her sighing in releif and she said

"thanks a lot"

with a smile that said she trusted me and for some reason I didn't want to break that at all. Maybe it was her beautiful brown eyes that pushed  me to do it but I wanted her to be safe.

I took her DNA sample and gave it to the lab for testing while I arranged her paperwork and a place for her to temporarily stay. Since she was almost certain that she has no other relatives I mentally started brainstorming other options. As the day went by I gave her food to eat and a motel to stay in for a while.

Around 5 in the evening I got a call which made me really happy. The girl had a family.

When I collected the reports I was shocked to know who her real family was so I got it double checked but the reports were correct.

I was apprehensive about calling them but I didn't have a choice. With shaking hands I called Mr Riccardo Vitale's number.  After the 3rd ring I hear his cold dominating voice


"Good evening sir, my name is Linda and I am from the social worker department. I would like to inform you that your sister Hope Brown's stepfather died in a drunk driving accident. Since she is still 15 she requires a guardian and according to the DNA test you are the next suitable guardian. Please confirm if you would be interested in keeping her or we will have her move in the orphanage"

I said it in a calm voice although I was feeling really scared on the inside.

There was no answer for 30 seconds but then his steely calm voice came
"I think you have some sort of confusion. My sister's name was Agnelle Vitale and she died 12 years ago. We even have her death certificate" I knew this was coming but he didn't knew what i have to say

"Yes sir I have done my research regarding this matter. Your sister was supposed to be dead but she isn't. Your mother Elena Vitale I presume changed her name from the official records 2 months prior her own and your sister's presumable death. She lived in an orphanage in Louisiana for 4 months after being adopted at the age of 3. As to how she is alive is still a mystery which we will start working on as soon as possible."

I could hear the irregular breathing from the other side of the phone. It was indeed a big news. After some time Mr Vitale emotionlessly replied

"I would be coming tomorrow to personally check upon these facts. Email me the rest of the details" with that he hung up the call but not before whispering to himself "Hope Is Alive"

This is the second chapter done in the social worker's pov . I know some of you might want it in the brothers pov but the kind of emotions they would be feeling at this time would be really intense which I would like to  potray further in the book. Until then

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