I'll Always Love You

737 28 14

[A/N: Finale. Big time skip and I do mean quite the timeskip. This involves a theory of mine which might prove right or not at all. Regardless please enjoy.]


They had come far.

Her journey had come even farther.

Through the wild, untamed winds of Monstandst, the ancient mysteries and contracts of Liyue, to the ambitions of Inuzuma, the folly and morality of Sumeru, the absolute law of Fontaine, the immortal battles of Natlan, the frozen forsaken love of Snezhnaya, the forgotten land of the Abyss, and finally ascending to the sacred grounds of the floating land of Celestia. The false god, the fake lying stars had fallen. Like Guizhong always used to tell the eldest of the seven archons: All shall return to dust, for all starts from dust.

So now here he stood on these familiar hollowed grounds high in the heavens. All around him brilliant gold trimmed white and ivory marble pillars poked out from the sea of clouds. The buildings and even the roads white as newly fallen snow on Liyue's tallest peaks. All around his rich amber eyes could see the scattered flowers that matched the twin flower hairpin in the blonde woman's hair. She stood, the perfect picture of grace and elegance beside a young male with an uncanny resemblance that could only make him her blood kin. Behind both their backs gleamed six golden wings. Somehow as they looked behind them to the friends they had made along the way Zhongli felt sorrow and longing.

He knew this day would come.

Lumine was not from this world and the cosmic stream called to the twins like a siren at sea. Yet he wanted so desperately to reach out to her. To pull her back into his arms where she belonged and away from the Celestial Gate. She was a true ascended; a being beyond the archons and stood even above the original god herself. What right did he have to hold her back? 

To be selfish?

"Lumine, we gotta go."Aether called.

Lumine though could not remove her eyes from Zhongli whom looked so melancholy. She looked over at her brother then back at Zhongli. Tears....she could tears quietly flowing from his eyes. With a hiss she turned to her brother, "I'm not going, forgive me Aether." She then bolted forward through the air on her wings much to everyone's surprise. Zhongli in particular had no words as she came to a halt to hover a little bit so she was just a bit taller then he was. 

"Lumine!?"called Aether in shock.

"Lumine?"he whispered in confusion.

He was caught further off guard at feeling her petite hands to cup his cheek and tenderly move back to grip the back of his head. She then leaned in as he looked up at her with longing and confusion. But that confusion turned into soaring delight as their lips locked, Lumine's being one of desperation and passion. Zhongli reached up and wrapped his arms around her to pull her close as the sounds of swoons and cheers greeted them. 

"Does this mean, what I am lead to believe?"he asked as they pulled apart for much needed air as Lumine nuzzled into his tender caressing touch. 

"Yes. And I think, I just accepted that contract you asked of me."she purred before noticing her brother coming over.

Aether had a sad sort of smiling but his golden eyes were bright with understanding as his feet touched the ground. "So, without my notice you've found a new home. Very well then dear sister, I won't stand in your way. However,"Aether's eyes turned sharp as he glared at the Geo Archon. "You! Do anything to make her cry and I'll be jumping back into this world so fast that mountains start crumbling!!"

"Duly noted, former Prince of the Abyss."Zhongli assured holding Lumine close to his side. "I assure you though that you have nothing to fear, your sister will be in good hands."

"She better be. For now this is farewell, sister. My search for home continues on."Aether offered Lumine a sad smile as he took once more to the air. Then with a sudden golden burst of energy and one last look behind him he shot forward and the gates opened as he vanished from sight. Lumine felt sad but Zhongli gently lead her away as he kissed her once more. The thread of fate that brought them together and the deja vu for Zhongli as well. Somehow this conclusion felt bittersweet but also warm. And she welcomed it and the many years of laughter and joy they would give each other. Memories of dust had been left behind and in their place were memories of starlight.

~The End~

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