When You Look Me In The Eyes

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[A/N: Zhongli/Morax meets Lumine here finally. I wonder how he'll react yeah? I We'll be hopping between Zhongli and Lumine's views but ultimately it will remain dominantly Zhongli's POV. So I do hope you enjoy and I hope I do him justice as this is my first fanfic with him. I will also be challenging myself to make the chapters longer previous fanfics I have done.]


It was a crisp spring day in Liyue and it had been at least a few days after the fall of Rex Lapis during the Rite of Descension. Outside the Millith were trying desperately to keep order and find the assassin responsible for daring to kill their beloved archon. That afternoon a tall handsome man with fair skin and a lean but sturdy built sat at a table of one of the most luxurious restaurants in Liyue Harbor. He had a stern face with sharp, intelligent rich amber eyes with distinct red eye liner. Straight burnette ombre hair styled in a windswept fashion he kept in a clean low hanging ponytail that fell past his waistline, with a bit of fringe to his bangs. 

He wore a rather elegant and form-fitting dark brown and amber waistcoat with a dark beige dress shirt and tie with an amber pin. His dark trousers were smooth well kept and jet black dress were nicely buffed and polished. To finish it off he had a equally professional and elegant tailcoat with dark earthy tones with rims of black and very simple shoulder guards while inside you could see the coat had a golden hue. What appeared to be a Liyue Geo Vision adorned the back of it. His hands each covered in tight fitting ebony black gloves with two silver rings on the thumbs. His left ear adorned with a jeweled tassel earring that swayed with each movement he made. He appeared to be in his early twenties but looks were after all deceiving. Unknown to everyone this was actually Morax. But as the humans knew him since his test had started...Zhongli, the consultant of one of the oldest funeral parlors in Liyue Harbor.

He out a pleased hum as he reached out to grab his steaming cup of green tea with care in his hands as he heard the door open and a familiar voice of a young man with a clear Snezhnayan accent. As he looked up he tensed though it was subtle as his eyes spotted the young woman that the ginger haired harbinger was escorting to this very table. The woman of delicate and lean stature standing at about at least 5'1 feet tall. Her short golden hair had a soft shine that reminded him a lot of a precious gem stone as a five petaled twin flower pin adorned the side. The flowers were not familiar to him and her honey amber eyes were bright and held a cheerful shine like the brightest star in the night sky. Her attire was also unfamiliar to anything in Tevyet as parts of her white and blue clothes gave of the faint glow of Geo. That chill came back he had felt weeks ago as he could sense the presence of not just one element from her but two. "How interesting...."he thought. This young woman was a living, breathing being that defied the logics of his world. 

But why did looking at her made him see that face of the cheeky, gentle but wise woman from his past? Still Zhongli offered a smile in greeting as he set his cup aside onto the table. "Hi."greeted the ginger haired harbinger he walked over with the young blonde. With a smile Zhongli motioned for them to take a seat, which they happily accepted. Zhongli though couldn't take his eyes away, stealing glances at the mystery woman that had accompanied the young harbinger. 

"Allow me to introduce to you, Mr. Zhongli, consultant at a company known as Wangsheng. He is also a trusted associate of the Fatui."introduced Childe. 

"Hello, I'm Lumine and over here beside me is my friend Paimon."introduced the young blonde, earning a soft nod in greeting from the burnette gentleman. LUmine herself found herself strangely interested in this man especially hearing Childe say he had ties with the Fatui. "So he's an associate of the Fatui?"

"Indeed, Ojou-chan. Wangsheng's line of work can be, lets say...sensitive at times. He understands when discretion is needed."Childe swiftly explained. "As you know, we the Fatui have always been glad to do business with friends that walk in the shadows."

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