Getting to know Class 1-B

Start from the beginning

"hahahah you wish Ears" he answered me smiling and pulled me into a hug "I'm just glad you are ok and that I hadn't done anything to you, I hope you can forgive me and we could maybe become friends?"

I had never seen this side of Bakugo, well I mean I have only known him for like a month, but it was refreshing, I could get use to this side of him

"of course, we can be friends Bakugo, I'm actually glad you want to be friends too, but how about we race to the entrance so I can prove you again that you are still the slowpoke here" I winked at him before running to the entrance laughing

"oh, you are on, Ears" I could hear him running behind me, at some point we passed the class and they started laughing at us and joined ignoring the looks we were getting from the other classes we were just having fun

I was the first to reach the gate I smiled and said

"guess you are as slow as ever hahahah, we should do this more often" teasing Bakugo, he just smiled

"hey look where you are going weirdos" a boy with a suit said

"we were just having fun sorry" I heard Momo said

"I see that for class A they let anyone enter now" he said while looking Momo from up to down "guess the top class will be class B since all I can see is low class outfits and that always reflects on quirks" he said while laughing like a maniac

"Watch your mouth asshole" I growled at him, no one and I mean NO ONE will disrespect my friends

"oh great you even have a noisy punk, I will call you weirdo queen since it fits you freak" I don't know who this guy think he is but he was getting on my nerves before I could say anything else Bakugo grabbed him by the collar and said

"I suggest you walk away from here, if I ever hear you call her that again or even see you glance her way I'm going to blast your face off" even if the words weren't meant for me, Bakugo's stance and face made it clear he wasn't joking, that seemed to scare the boy but he quickly recovered

"I guess the weaklings have to stay together, no matter..." he couldn't finish what he was saying since one girl with long hair tied on a ponytail approached us and with a big ass hand knocked him out

"I'm so sorry for the distress he has caused" she bowed "My name is Itsuka Kendo and the trouble you had to deal with name is Neito Monoma, again I'm sorry for his actions I don't really know what he has against your class, I can see you are all nice and were just having fun while we can so please ignore him" she was a nice girl, I felt sorry for her to have to deal with a guy like that

"It's all good don't worry about that, there are always someone like him so, but maybe we could do something together all of us, to get to know each other and why not become friends, do you think class b would like that?" I asked her

"I don't see why they wouldn't like it and I think it's a great idea maybe then this guy will see it's not a competition between us" she said while carrying him with her fist

"what about you guys would you like to do something with class 1-b?" I asked everyone, and everyone gave me their thumbs up

"ok, but if that guy tries to insult you again, I will blast him off" Bakugo said

"what about going to the cinema?" a girl with bindweed like hair said approaching us

"I think that's an amazing idea Shiozaki-san, would you guys like to go to the cinema this Saturday?" Kendo-san said

"Well count me in" I said, I can't really "see" movies, but I can always listen to them and this activity is about getting to know each other

One by one the guys said they were in, but they added that maybe we should go to eat first to talk and get to know each other since in the cinema you are not supposed to talk.

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