Chapter Two

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Harry woke up in his usually empty bed, as well did Louis.

They both got ready alone, but went out for breakfast when Louis made some cereal for him and the twins. Harry went to the air port and got mobbed by fans, where Louis and the twins went to his mum's house and got mobbed my his family. Harry got on his plane to go LA, Louis got in his car to go to work.

Their lives were so different and almost not compatible.

"So Lou, Gemma said that Anne need to talk to you." Lottie brought up randomly. "Did she say what for?" Louis pretended not to care.

"Um, Harry's having a birthday party... They want you there." She bit her lip.

"That sounds nice Louis, you should go!" Jay said, feeding Doris while Louis had Ernest.

"I don't have anyone to watch the kids, may I remind you he doesn't know about... I'd like it to stay that way." He retorted.

"I still think you should tell him before he finds out." Lottie shrugged.

"He won't find out unless you keep your mouth shut." Louis warned.

"What? You shouldn't keep him away from his kids or keep them away from him!" She glared at her older brother. "Do you know how hard it is not to tell one of my best friends she's an aunt and her brother is dad? This effects more than just you Louis."

Louis rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm going to work. Bye mum, love you. I'll pick them up usual time." Louis kissed her cheek and left the house, annoyed with his sister.

Meanwhile, Harry was landing his plane and going back to work with his band mates, Liam and Zayn. They were the number one boy band all over the world.

They had final rehearsals for their upcoming tour that was starting up a week after Harry's birthday in Australia.

"A 5,6,7,8." Liam snapped.

"You did not." Harry stopped moving and gaped at him.

"But I did." Liam chuckled.

"Liam, that was truly terrible mate." Zayn smiled.

"Boys! Why did you Stop?!!" Ben yelled.

"Just havin' some fun!" Harry shouted back.

"Well, your fans don't pay money to watch you three jump around a stage. You want to be taken seriously? Then stop acting like you are now." He said sternly.

"What crawled up his ass and died?" Liam muttered.

"I guess we start from the beginning again." Zayn sighed.

After the boys finished, they went back to Liam's flat where Sophia was watching Netflix and eating a slice of pizza.

"Hey love, how was your day?" She asked Liam after he pecked her lips. The two were talking, Zayn was texting Perrie, and Harry was alone in his thoughts.

iMessage from Gem💎:
Lottie said Louis was coming!!!!

To Gem💎:
Really?!? Sooooo excited!! :)

From Gem💎:
I know! Get to see your high school swetheart😏😉

Harry rolled his eyes, wanted to correct the typo, but couldn't take the smile off his face... but he didn't act to happy because the boys didn't know too much about him and Louis.

"What's the smile for Harry?" Zayn raised an eyebrow.

"Just, a really old friend is coming to my birthday party, gonna try to get him to come to the one in LA maybe.. Haven't talked to him since the day i left." He grinned.

Baby Daddy (mpreg boyxboy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora