Twitterfics & Drabbles

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On Twitter, I post occasional twitterfics and drabbles that are anywhere from 40 to a few hundred words. In honor of the premiere tomorrow, I thought I'd "complete" my Season 4 one-shots by compiling them all in one place.  While the last one is a little dark, I'm confident that our favorite couple will find their way back to one another this season. Thanks for reading!


Written after 4x01

As the last bell rang, and Maya moved to turn off the camera, the rest of the team moved to console Andy. As they hugged one another and wiped away their tears, Andy looked up, hoping to catch Robert's eye one more time, but the spot where he stood against the wall was empty. 


Written after 4x03

"Miller, what the hell?" Vic asked, stepping between Robert and Dean. "Nasty to me, belittling Jack for trying to build a healthy relationship, and now hounding Sullivan, who's only trying to make amends. What's your problem?"

"I'm in love with you."


Written after 4x015

"Andy," Robert began cautiously. "You've been eating strange things at all hours of the day. Is there any chance you could be, well, pregnant?"

"Hell no!" Andy exclaimed. "We're in the middle of a global pandemic. Can't a girl do a little stress eating?"


Written in the summer hiatus

Andy enters the kitchen. Robert is re-arranging the dishes in the dishwasher, again.

"Why don't you just explain to me how you'd like the dishwasher loaded? It's clear my skills in that area don't measure up to your expectations," Andy teases.

"Well, you have many other skills that I appreciate," Robert responds with a grin, "And I'm afraid I won't get to experience them as often if I spend too much time complaining about the dishwasher."


Written in the summer hiatus

Andy sat at the front desk, taking a minute to contemplate the form in front of her. She glanced up, and saw Robert in the captain's office, completely engrossed in the paperwork on his desk. She knew from the slight crease in his forehead that he was deep in thought, but that would soon change. Returning her focus to the paper, she filled in the remaining boxes quickly before looking at the signature line.

"It's time," she thought to herself, and even though she was at peace with her decision, her hands shook slightly as she signed and dated the form.

Taking a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves, she pushed back from the desk and walked the short distance to the captain's office slowly. Once she took this step, her life would change forever. Knocking just loud enough to get his attention, she waited for him to look up and grant her permission to enter.

"Come in," he called, closing the file in front of him with a sigh. He could take a break from paperwork for a few minutes.

Andy opened the door, walked in, and stood in front of his desk. She didn't sit or give any indication of the reason for her visit. She paused there, not sure what to say.

Curiosity finally got the best of Robert. "What's up?" he asked when the silence got to be a bit unnerving.

"I need to give you this," Andy said, putting the piece of paper on top of the file he was reading moments ago.

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