The Peruvian Jungle

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Peru, South America, 1936. A brave team of archaeologists makes their trek through the dense jungles. These jungles belonged to a group of natives known as the Hovitos.

The lead archaeologist on this expedition inspects what is to be a tribal dart of some kind. The Peruvian Guide, Satipo, and an explorer, Barranca, check the dart as well.

"The Hovitos are near," said Satipo, as he licked the dart and spat out. "The poison is still fresh, three days." "They are following us," replied Barranca. "If they knew we were here, they would have killed us already."

The team proceeds as they reach a small brook. The leader stops the party before they cross. Barranca then pulls a pistol and primes it, aiming it at the archaeologist. However, this was no ordinary man he was attacking.

The man in the brown hat and leather jacket, thinking quickly, used a bullwhip to disarm Barranca and send him running. This man turned out to be Dr. Henry Jones Jr., known across the world as Indiana Jones or just simply Indy.

Indy was a man in his prime at only 37 years old. You can tell who he is when he wears his explorer garb: The brown fedora and leather jacket, the beige pants and shirt, and his signature weapon: The bullwhip.

Alongside Indy were a group of three identical siblings, different from each other by only attire and the way they acted.

The first Sibling was a male, tall and lanky, at about 14 years old. He wore 'smokey topaz" slacks with a black belt holding them in place. This was Yakko Warner.

Yakko is called "The one that Yaks", and for good reason too. His talkative nature, and acting as the sibling's leader, as he is the oldest of the trio. His jokes are sure to make you laugh.

The second sibling was also male but appeared shorter and younger than Yakko. He looked to be about 11 years old, wearing a blue turtleneck sweater and a candy red baseball cap on backward. You wouldn't be wrong if you guessed that this was Wakko Warner.

Wakko is an oddball, and no one knows why he acts the way he does, although he claims it to be "Middle Kid Syndrome". But despite his behavior, he has gained Indy's trust from his loyalty.

Those two formed the Warner Brothers, and last but not least was the Warner Sister, who was about 10 years old wearing a pink skirt and a yellow flower ribbon on her head. This was Dot Warner.

Dot, naturally being the youngest, can be sassy at times, and asserts herself as the cutest in the whole world. You can call her by her full name: "Princess Louisa Cantessa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the third." But don't call her Dottie, or you'll surely die. Remember that now.

They climbed up an Incline and Indy found some rocks and put them in a bag. "This is it," he told them. "This is where Forrestal cashed in." "A friend of yours?" Satipo asked. "A competitor," corrected Jones. "He was good, very good."

"Senor," Satipo said to the Man, "No one has ever come out of there alive." "There's no turning back now," Yakko pointed out.

The Five continued through the passage and entered the temple. "Senor," Satipo called, pointing to Indy's back. Spiders crawled all over it. Indy got rid of them.

"I don't like spiders," Dot said squeamishly. "Neither do I," agreed Wakko. "Well, just look at yourself, 'Senor,'", Yakko said with a smile to Satipo. Satipo turned around and he himself had spiders on his back. Luckily, Indy got them off using his torch. Soon, they see a light. "Stop," Indy says to them all. "Stay out of the Light." He waved his hand in the light, which springs a trap with a dead body on it, and he screamed. "Forrestal," Indy said, looking at the decayed body.

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