Chapter 4

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Ricky's POV

A week had passed and we were now about halfway through our tour, things have been looking up since last weeks incident. No one so much as mentioned anything about it so we've all been carrying on as normal. The shows have been great and we haven't done allot other than hang out. Anyway, it was around noon and we were all at WalMart stocking up our bus with food to last us a few days. The guys were all over the supermarket getting whatever they needed. I went down the drinks isle to get some Rockstar when I noticed Chris had beaten me too it.

I've liked Chris for a while now.. Well.. A good year or so. But I put it to the back of my head most of the time because, honestly, I've come to terms with the fact that nothing is ever going to happen. Chris is straight. And part of me thinks it's better that nothing ever happens because I would never do anything that could in anyway jeprodize the band.

I walked up to Chris and nudged him in the ribs with my elbow "Eww, look at the freak" I said jokingly as I picked up some cans of Rockstar

"Aww little Ricky, it's okay, you're not that much of a freak" Chris grinned as he loosely draped his arm over my shoulders jokingly. I laughed under my breath and rolled my eyes as I picked up more cans and tucked them under my arm.

"Right, let's go lanky" I smiled and walked away from Chris, hearing him follow behind me as we went to find the rest of the guys and get out of here. By the time we got back to the bus it was nearly getting dark as we stopped for coffee on the way back. I was in the bus putting the food away as the guys were sat on the couch chatting about whatever they were talking about, I think they were asking questions or something, just joking around really. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Ryan ask from the couch "Hey Ricky! Out of all of us who would you most likely fuck?!"

"Chris" I said without thinking and then mentally scolded myself for it as I kept my gaze on the food I was putting away hoping they didn't pay much attention to the fact I didn't hesitate in my answer.

"You sounded pretty confident there" I heard Balz say as I turned around and flipped him off, kicking the fridge door shut behind me as I sat down on the couch in-between Devin and Josh, opening a can of Rockstar as I replied "You just wish I'd said you instead Joshy Boy" I grinned as I winked at him playfully.

"Well from behind it would be like I'm just fucking a girl anyway" Balz retorted "You know, with your long hair and skinny-ass legs"

"Are you trying to hit on me?" I asked as I turned to Josh and raised my eyebrow

"Oh you wish, who wouldn't want some of this?" Balz smiled as he motioned to his body.

The night continued with us asking questions for a few hours until most of the guys had gone to bed.. All expect for Chris.

I was sat on the couch staring into space and thinking about.. Well not an awful lot when I felt Chris sit next to me.

"So you'd fuck me, eh?" I could see him grin out of the corner of my eye and I tried to ignore my cheeks getting warm as I responded "Well... Um..."

His grin got wider as he slowly put his arm around my shoulder and moved closer to me. What the fuck? This isn't Chris. Chris isn't like this... I could feel my heart-rate quickening as I slowly turned to face him. He laughed again and gently squeezed my shoulder as he stood up.

"I'm kidding short-arse. I'm going to bed" he said as he put his arms in the air and stretched. I couldn't stop myself from staring at him. I shook my head slightly to clear my mind and stood up, putting the remainder of my Rockstar on the table and walking past Chris into the bunk area, quickly climbing into my bunk and shutting the curtain as I rubbed my face with my hands. I stared into the darkness as I heard Chris come in and get into his bunk.

Well fuck. I have no idea what to do. I shouldn't even be trying to anything! But it's so hard to resist him..

To Keep From Getting Burned [RickyxChris] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now