Chapter 3

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Ricky's POV

So I was talking to Angelo when she twitched her way over. I tried to ignore her as she started up again with Chris. I tried to block her out and keep talking to Ange but God I couldn't. I don't know why she frustrated me so much.

That's it. She's gunna get the fucking hint this time!

I smiled apologetically to Ange as I could tell by the look on his face that he knew I was no longer listening and walked away over to Chris and the Twitch.

The girl was swooning over Chris, telling him how much she loved him as I approached, she looked about 16 and Chris looked awkward as hell stood there listening to her, I came and stood next to Chris and glared at the girl as she kept blabbing on. Chris rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly as I rolled my eyes and finally spoke.

"Can't you take a hint?! I told you earlier. Chris. Isn't. Interested." I dragged out the last three words just to make sure it was plainly clear this time.

"Oh really? And who are you to decide that?" the Twitch replied as she looked up at Chris and winked at him.

"Ricky, just leave it, okay? She's just a fan" Chris said as he put his hand on my shoulder and looked across to me.

"Just a fan? She doesn't even know the name of our fucking band! All she wants is to fuck any band member she can!" I spat out as I glared at the girl and shrugged Chris' hand off my shoulder. Turning on my heel and walking off back to the bus as I slammed the door behind me. All the guys were outside still and I was too annoyed to be out there.

"FUCK!" I yelled as I took my beanie off and ran my hands through my hair, looking up at the ceiling of the bus and breathing deeply.

What the fuck is up with me? I've never done that before! Chris can fucking deal with this shit himself. All I'm doing is sounding like a whiny bitch with all this. I shouldn't care. I don't care. So why has this got too me so much? I close my eyes, inhale deeply and let my arms fall to my sides. I stand there in silence for a minute before going into the bathroom and clearing off my paint and make-up. By this time it's about 10pm, I'm guessing the guys all went to get food or something as I can't hear any presence of them outside. I crawl into my bunk, close the curtain and put my headphones in. I close my eyes and listen to HIM in the darkness.

Ricky, you keep acting like this and he's gunna figure out you fucking like him at some point...

(Guys, I'm sorry this one is so short and it sucks so much... I'm trying to get back into the swing of things... If you have any suggestions for what to do with this story then please PM me... Because I seriously need help with this..)

To Keep From Getting Burned [RickyxChris] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now