Chapter 2

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 Ricky's POV

The show was great, the crowd was immense and it was a good start to the tour. When we got off stage I put my guitar to lean against a wall and high-fived the guys. I grabbed the bottle of water that Ghost handed me and drank it, feeling refreshed we all made out way backstage and into the room where we'd do signings and a meet and greet. When we'd sat down security allowed people into the room.

It was good, you know? To get to know the fans that listen and buy our music. I would love to just sit down properly and talk to fans for hours, I really would. But all they seem to really care about is getting their CD signed and getting a picture. Which, really isn't that bad, but when it's the same thing night after night, you really wish for something different.

The signings went on for a good two hours, before we managed to get through everybody, man, I thought, there must be some really dedicated fans if they're willing to wait in line two hours just to see us.

After, I grabbed my guitar and we all headed back to the bus. The guys headed inside as I pulled out the cigarettes out my pocket and placed one inbetween my lips, lighting it and looking into the night sky as I exhaled the smoke, relaxing and realising just how tired I was, I mean, I knew I was tired, but man, I felt like I could fall asleep right there and then. So I stood there in silence smoking, throwing the butt on the ground before heading into the bus when I was done, I joined the guys who were in the bathroom removing their paint and make-up, I did so too and when I was done I headed to my bunk, I seriously could not be fucked to change to I just slept in what I was wearing. We weren't driving throughout the night so I could have nice, long, peaceful night's sleep.

I woke up to Josh banging on my bunk to tell me to get up because it was just after midday, geez, well atleast I won't have to be worried about being tired today, I got up and saw Ryan driving the bus, we were making our way to the venue for tonight's show throughout the day so I guess by the time we get there we won't have much time to spare before the show. I headed to the bathroom, got showered and put some clean clothes on before going out and sitting on the couch next to Josh. We chatted idly throughout the day and I took my turn to drive to the venue. We arrived around 4pm and so we had a good hour or two before the show started so we headed out quickly for some food.

The show was good, we all put our best in and the crowd seemed pleased. As the previous night we headed after to go and do a signing.

Although I love the fans there's one type I can't stand, and honestly, I don't even know if you could call the fans, you know? The girls that go to shows with the only intentions to get with the band members. They probably don't even listen to the music of the bands they go and see.

Well, here I was sat next to Chris when this girl comes up, walks past all of us and starts talking, well, flirting with Chris like she'd known him for years. Ugh, it was disgusting. It was so obvious to see that Chris knew her game and replied like he had no interest in what she was saying as he continued signing and chatting with fans inbetween replying to this girls flirtatious comments who was stood at the side of the table so she didn't get in the way of the fans.

Could she seriously not see that Chris wasn't interested in her at all?

Wait, I thought to myself as I signed a CD a fan gave to me and chatted to them about how they enjoyed the show, why am I bothered about this? Chris is more than capable to handle himself. But damn, this girl was just so annoying, after I was sat there for a good ten minutes of listening to this girl flirt with Chris I turned to her.

"Hey" I said with a smile on my face "How did you find the show?"

"Yeah, good thanks" She replied as she glanced at me for a split second before turning back to Chris who was chatting to the fan who's CD I just signed, sounding like she couldn't care less.

"Look, here's the thing. Chris is clearly not at all interested in you. And don't think I don't know your game because I think we both know what you're up to." I said as she looked at me, glaring at me slightly. "Do you even know what band this is? Let alone my name" I added

"Of course I do!" She said all matter-of-factly, flipping her hair back "You're Andy Biersack!"

The amount of laughter that came from the fans around us after she said that was priceless and even I couldn't stop the slight laugh that I gave out. Let alone the rest of the band. My god, her face went bright red as she must have come to the conclusion that by the amount of laughter she wasn't correct.

Before I had time to tell her who I actually was she straightened up and walked out of the venue, but the way she swayed her hips made it look more like she was twitching out rather than walking out.

I looked to Chris and grinned slightly "Got you out of that one." I said as he returned a smile, moving some hair out of his face.

Not long after we finished signings and headed out the front of the venue, only to be greeted by the same girl from earlier as she twitched her way over to Chris and the rest of us.

Can't this girl take a hint!

To Keep From Getting Burned [RickyxChris] (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now