Operation Phoenix

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"Thank Babatoras," Rosaria takes the goblet from Kaeya's gentle grip, and greedily gulps down the strong alcoholic mix swirling within, some of the blood red liquid trailing down the corners of her pale lips..

"Barbatos, Bacca," Eula corrects before accepting her dandelion wine and taking a sip.

"Grape juice for our cunning international spymaster," Kaeya offers Diluc his cup. His brother accepts with eyes more on the drink than on the server.

"This is the last review of the plan before deployment, so ensure at least enough sobriety to understand and remember all of this. My concern for your consciousness ends with the conclusion of this discussion," Diluc says sternly.

"Understood, Captain. Onto the plan," Kaeya takes his drink off the platter, then sets the platter aside before returning to the central table occupied by portions of gear resting on the corners of a large map of Liyue which extends to Inazuma and all of its islands.

"All the pieces are now in place. Yesterday, we received word from the Yashiro Commission's Shuumatsuban that Captain Beidou's Crux Fleet is leaving the island of Ritou in Inazuma and heading back to Liyue Harbor today. She has been cleared by the Liyue Qixing to provide escort for the Fatui as they make their way back..." Diluc begins explaining as his finger traces the path of events across the map.

"Bacca, are you listening?" Eula asks under her breath, her eyes on Rosaria and the burgundy staining her lips

"If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be," She responds curtly, gesturing towards the goblet balanced in her hand. Eula rolls her eyes back to the map.

"Why are we so interested in this again?" Rosaria asks after finishing another gulp.

"Special request from the Knights' Librarian," Kaeya answers.

"Ah, right, something about a Harbinger sinning against a god," Rosaria vaguely recalls.

"In a way, yes. We would like to recover her remnants. We have it on good word that the Fatui would like to revive her with what little was left behind," Kaeya continues.

"Revival? I understand that for people of our status, ridiculous occult projects are all too familiar, but just what are the Snezhnayans thinking?" Eula asks.

"Theories and processes for the revival of the dead have been around for a long time now, and though it has yet to be perfected, academics are close and only get closer day by day. It doesn't help that there is no shortage of demand for this knowledge either," Diluc explains, though a low breath almost obscures the last sentence.

"And we are all too familiar with that, aren't we?" Kaeya challenges with his own chilling whisper before raising his voice to meet the topic once more. "Suffice to say, our local librarian, being as smart as she is lovely, is aware of some of these death-defying methods and reasons that if any of that business would be done, it would be best if it is under Mondstadt's care as opposed to Snezhnaya's."

"Especially considering the history of our target," Diluc adds.

"The legendary Crimson Witch of Flames..." Eula's voice trails off, her disbelief hardly dispelled on any end of this situation. Although none of this information is new at this point, a palpable discomfort filled the air. They were risking a large international incident, something that could begin a war of the likes never seen before, over the belief that they were indeed intercepting the transport of one of the most controversial legends of Mondstadt, one which dated to a bygone era of destruction on a mythical scale. Though not all who are in the room hold their silence in the grip of ignorance and doubt, he who is keenly aware of history is also aware of how unnecessary it may be to shed any light on it. He bothers his brother with history enough already.

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