Chapter three - On our way to Wakanda

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'Shuri I'm completely fine... Yes I got injured but Natasha's sister Yelena took care of it... Yes we will be there in an hour..... Stop talking about your ideas for gadgets I don't want to hear it okay.' Nora was talking with Shuri on the phone.

'She is talking two hours straight too that friend, what is going on there?' Yelena asked her older sister.

'Yelena you haven't met Shuri yet, she can talk all day with Nora. Especially about all the ideas they've got for their newest gadget and improvements.'

'Is she really that smart, even smarter than the tin guy. Or what his name was.'

'You mean Stark, yes that guy is smart but Nora and Shuri are on a different level. Let alone when they are together. Then they are talking about all some sort of technologic even Stark and Banner can't figure out. I will warn you Yelena, you need to ask for an explanation in baby language because otherwise you won't understand a word.' Natasha tells her younger sister.

Yelena was very interested in the new girl on the helicopter, she was nice and smart. Even when they met just four hours ago, she can tell that they will come along very well. She likes her looks and her beautiful brown hair and eyes. You can be lost in her eyes for hours.

'Shuri calm down, you just need to connection the right wires. Just leave it I will look at it when I'm back... That will be in thirty minutes... Shuri if I'm going to explain it to you now the people in here will think I'm crazy... Yeah, yeah I know, bye.' Nora sighs, after a two hour phone call with her best friend she is exhausted. Shuri can talk the ears off you head. It is really annoying sometimes, especially when you want to get to know Yelena.

Nora stands up and walked up to the front of the helicopter. The Red Guardian, what was his other name. Alex, no Alexei it was Alexei. And Melina were in control of the helicopter. Natasha and Yelena are sitting behind the two in the front, their backs facing Alexei and Melina.

'So Nora, Shuri finally stopped talking?' Natasha asked her friend with a playful sound in her voice.

'Very funny Natasha, yes she finally did. She kept talking about the neutrons firing of protons through an electric field making the gadgets with the car in the electrified particles no longer work as a result she could not continue testing. I told her to put the electron wires together with proton and neutron wires she just lost that one. Now I have to make it again with the high tech vibranium wires and heat.' Nora tells the girls in front of her about the gadget and her plan to help Shuri out. When she makes eye contact with the two spies they looked at her as they have seen a ghost.

'I'm sorry, to many difficult words?' Nora questioned carefully.

'Difficult words, I couldn't made up a word about what you just said.' Yelena answered shocked. How can such a young woman knows all that words. Yelena got some trouble with speaking normal English. She feels an nubs in the side of her abdomen. She looks at het side seeing Natasha chuckling beside her.

'Told you so.' The redhead said between her laughing.

Before Yelena can even react the tall woman in front of her spoke up. 'Very funny Natasha, well how made like the whole avengers weapon cabinet. If you haven't had me it would be a lot harder to track, trace, attack and capture people.' Nora fired back. She stands there with her hands folded over each other covering her chest. One eyebrow raised while she was waiting for Natasha to say something. After a few second of silent Nora spoke up again.

'So Nat, I don't need hard words to make you guys look like you have seen a ghost. I did it just in baby language.' Nora fired her words towards Nat. She was smirking on what kind of affect she could give people only with words.

'Ha' Yelena laughs at Nat her face, not many people can make her so quiet as now. Natasha always knows what to say back to people. But this time it is different.

'Uhm , the navigation says that we need to lower the helicopter to 200 feet, but if we do that we are going to crash against that hill over there.' Alexei tells the three girls behind him. Natasha and Yelena jumping up from there seats. The worried look on her face said enough. Nora only rolled her eyes.

'You guys are never been in Wakanda before hu?' she questioned the four worried looking spies.

'Yes but only on a vacation, they got nice animals here.' Alexei said. this comment only makes Nora rolls her eyes again.

'Yes they've got nice animals too but you just need to lower to 200 feet and go full speed towards that hill over there. Between the trees okay.' Nora instructed the two pilots of the helicopter.

'No way I'm going to listen to you. You hit your head to hard when you were fighting, she isn't clearly thinking.' Melina said, you can hear the fear in her voice. They just brought the whole Red Room down. But she wasn't planning on dying right after that.

'You really mean that Melina, I trust Nora with my live and you go lower to 200 feet right away.' Nat spoke up. She trusted Nora with her life, she knows the girl knew what she was doing at the moment. Even when she doesn't tells you what it is.

'I trust her too.' Yelena tells Melina.

'Me too.' Alexei said.

'Alexei you don't even know what we are talking about right know. I'm not going to lower down.' Melina stated, Melina is a strong minded person. If she doesn't want to do it than she isn't going to step back.

Nora sighs. 'Melina please listen, if you and Alexei aren't going to lower down in the next twenty seconds we are going to be attacked by weapons that I created. Because the power field around the city of Wakanda knows we will enter N-19 and if you will fly over. We will become and enemy in the eyes of the computer. So lower down because we are going to entrance N-19 in 5 seconds.' Nora said sternly to Melina. She look to her left and nod towards Alexei.

Melina obliged now and together with Alexei she lowered the helicopter to 200 feet. They were almost at the hill when the hill disappears and a beautiful city appears. Modern buildings and trains everywhere. People walking on the streets with phones, man and woman in suit behind their office in the buildings.

'Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Wakanda.' Nora said proudly. 

when worlds collide ~ a Yelena Belova fanfic (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now