"Stay back or I'll kill her!" He shouted. All of my guests in her are getting scared covering themselves under the table and I can't take Emma away from here. She's not safe in here. "And you!" He directed his gun to my skull. "This is not what I got from our deal." With his other hand, he snatched something from his suit pocket and everyone now got alerted.

"These are the checks you gave me, and the threats I'm receiving every week!" Richard dropped the papers on the ground, as well as the bank checks that I guess dad sent to him. "I want my normal life back, and that includes Emma and our children."

My eyes went rage, as my fist got clenched. His children?! That's my fucking offspring you son of a bitch! I charged myself as I bring him down to the ground. I heard a boisterous gun noise as he pull the trigger beside my ears. "You motherfucker!" I exclaimed as I hit on my hard punch to his pathetic face.

I received also a lame punch from him but I managed to go back to my track. We're both rolling and dodging and punching as I slide off his gun away from us. I continued to destroy his miserable face when we were both interrupted when Taylor and the police halted us. "No! I'm not yet finished!" I tried to pull myself out of Taylor's embrace and I can see the barely dead Richard Fallon. "That's enough, Young Mistress." I didn't listen to him, I was clouded by my anger and frustration.

"Justine..." I heard Emma's genuine voice, trying to stop me, and I endured her calm voice to make myself relaxed. As I looked back to see my wife, it felt slow motion to my surroundings.

"Help me."

That's her final word.

I ran quickly to catch her fainted body, falling over to the floor. Her blue dress was now covered in her own red blood.

Emma got shot on her right side abdomen, nearly shot to her stomach, her womb, our children.

"No don't close your eyes, Emma. Look at me, I'm here now. You're safe now with me. Emma, don't do this to me. Emma! Fucking wake up!" I blocked the blood flowing out to her waist and I was crying, trying to wake her up.

The ambulance has arrived as they helped my wife to settle in the cart, keeping her blood control. "Do everything you can, just save my wife." I was crying out loud as I instructed the medical personnel that are near to my wife. "Just go to the other car, Ma'am. We will take it over here." The young paramedic retorted. I grabbed his collar and pushed him to the doors of the ambulance, "Did you hear me huh?! Promise to me that you will save her! She's my only hope right now! Save her and our children!" Taylor and the other police obstructed me away from the man.

"We will do everything but for now please, we need to take her to the hospital immediately, she's losing blood right now." The woman informed me about her conditions as I pushed the man back to the vehicle and instructed them to get on now.

End of Flashback.

"Good Morning Mrs. Cruz, we would like to ask you some questions about the earlier accident at your birthday party." A brunette woman stood at my side, probably the police, asking me to cooperate with them.

"I wanted to put that man in jail for the rest of his life. And no one will ever try to lay him out." That's the only thing I could say to her, still not leaving my eyes to Emma. "Let me introduce myself to you, Mrs. Cruz. Detective Marga Gonzalez, LAPD. I will be conducting the case of Mr. Richard Fallon's attempted murder and active shooter response, same as carrying an unlicensed firearm, as well as trespassing too. I would like to clarify things with you on what Mr. Fallon stated to us." The detective went to sit on the other side of the chair, facing me right now.

"He barges into my party, directing the revolver at me, and now my wife is on her death bed because of him, and I'm sitting here waiting to open her eyes and ensuring that she's alive. Now you may go." I retorted. "Mrs. Cruz, the physical injuries that come out to Mr. Fallon was a big problem for you if you didn't cooperate properly with us. He wanted also to put on some charges to you." I finally looked at the detective with furious eyes.

"What do you mean setting me charges by him?! That motherfucker shot my wife!"

"Calm down, Mrs. Cruz. The death threats that he was receiving are actually coming from you, with the same hand signatures and writings. The money checks are also coming from your account as we contacted the bank to confirm it from them." Detective Gonzales showed me some pictures of the letters and checks that earlier Richard also revealed to me.

How's that possible? I didn't do such a thing as that! I maybe look like some badass thug, but I ain't doing shit like that. "You can contact my father about this, he's the one who concluded a deal with that criminal. I'm innocent from this case, I have my wife still sleeping on here. Please believe me." I can sense that Detective Gonzales quite believes in me, which definitely true, I was honest to them. And that motherfucker has a pathetic come back to the Cruz. No one can bring us down.

"But Mrs. Cruz, the letter was somehow real. You still blackmailing Mr. Fallon by killing him once he stepped foot on your company and get closer to Mrs. Emma Cruz." God damn it! That man forge it, to use it against me! "Then fine, it's just minor charges for me! I will pay up all the charges to him but for heavenly sake, I want that man to rotten in jail! He almost killed my wife and my children." I told to the young detective and she was now shaking her up to down.

"Yet, you still need a lawyer for this, Mrs. Cruz. He got pretty bad shape from you, and having records from the police can affect your business. Here's my bureau number. Call me when you're going to the precinct. Good day, Mrs. Cruz." The police are now making their way out to the room as she left her number to me.

It's already morning, Taylor brought me some new clothes but I didn't mind changing after all, my attention is still fixed on my sleeping Emma. 5 hours later, I'm feeling sleepy right now and tired from the incident that happened last evening. I already phoned my lawyer about the case that set the charges on me, and I will coordinate with the police once Emma is finally awake.

I didn't realize that my body was dozed off near to my wife and I don't know how long I was out. I was taken aback by when I felt someone rubbing my hair and that I recognize those touches. "Good morning." She was smiling at me while my heart alleviated, seeing that my wife is alive.

"Fuck, Emma. Don't do that to me once again. I will never forgive myself if ever happen wrong to you and our children." I hugged her and I heard her winced, oops. "Sorry. I'm just happy to see you alive again." I was crying out of joy.

"You're happy but at the same time you're crying." She smiled as she wiped out my tears.

"I'm sorry that I failed to protect you. I shouldn't leave your side. I'm so caught off guard when that motherfucker pushed the wrong buttons out of me." I explained to her.

"Actually, it wasn't Richie who did the shot, honey." Emma fixed herself up and I got bizarre about her statement.

"What do you mean?"

"Richard never shot me, Justine... It was Gina."

Book 1: jealousy, jealousy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now