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1 year later


After a year of rest, my popularity increased since I'm doing more photoshoots than acting. Photoshoots can go around here and there, while I'm being tacky to my boyfriend and still waiting for him to ask me to be together, but Richie was been busy too since he got his solo project movie and he's been in France for over 5 months. And today I will fetch him from the airport since I missed him so much.

I'm getting old now, and the other 31 years old actresses have their husbands, having a little family. While I'm here stuck on my showbiz life, waiting for Richard to get me a ring. I always bugging him about marriage, but he always told me he was busy and need to earn more money to buy me a precious ring. I complained about it and said don't mind about the price and beauty of the ring since anything will be fine by me as long as he kneeled and asked to marry me. But as usual, he was impressing my father, since dad was always doubting my boyfriend.

"The car is here. God Ems, it's 9:37 am on Sunday, and Richie's arrival will be at 11 am, why do we go there earlier than him?" Stella groaned while we're entering the back seat. "Because we need to buy balloons and flowers for him, we need also to get Matt's pluck card that he designs for Richard's name," I explained to my best friend as we're now moving forward.

"Yeah I get that, you're being too rational about him, he's just 5 months away from you, don't be such a pretentious wife." I chuckled about her statement and I texted Matt that we're on the way to him.

"I love the word wife. It suited me, wasn't it?" I scrunched my nose at her and she sighs. "Emma, I love you and will be always. I know you wanted to have a family right now but I think, Richie is not enough for you and he's not ready to be committed right now since he is noticed in the film industry." Stella reminded me and I dropped my happy smile.

She was right, when first I mentioned marriage to Richie, he was being upset about it and wanted to be where are we right now. But also he's thinking about building a family, however, his career is more important than being engaged to me.

After we get what we needed to get, we continued our drive to the airport and it is 10:40 am and we're right on time. Good thing the paparazzi are no glimpsed to be found. I exited our car, bringing some balloons and the pluck card sign, and will wait for Richie's arrival. I wear my dark glasses and nice cap to still cover myself from the public.

An hour has been passed but there is no sign of Richard's appearance. My feet were tired and Stella was still busy on her phone to my right side. "Can you go to the counter and asked about his flight?" I favored my friend and she gave me her unbelievable rolled eyes. "Love you!" I shouted as she went to the counter.

As I heard another announcement from the airport's speaker, about the new arrival from different places except for Paris and I saw Stella with a disappointed face, I began to panic. "What? What happened?" I asked her but she showed me her phone messages.

"Tell Emma our flight was delayed and the directors wanted to extend more time here in Paris. Tell her I'm sorry and I needed to finish the shooting in here." - Richard.

I read the message from it and I grab my phone if ever he messages me but I got nothing. I looked up to Stella and she's giving me the look of told-so. "Come on, we can pick up some lunch at your favorite resto, cheat day! Come!" Stella cheered me but I felt dissatisfied with Richie. She pushed me out of the entrance and walking back to our vehicle.

Book 1: jealousy, jealousy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now