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Everyone now is settled here in our home and I invited them to have dinner here first, to which everyone's agreed. Stella and Scarlett helped their friend to rest first in our room. I should sleep in the guest room or maybe in my office later. Meanwhile, Russel was worried about his mama, so I let him and Lala looked after Emma to our room.

I went to the bar, full of various alcohols, and grabbed my favorite whiskey brand, poured myself, and down it to my throat.

"Young Mistress, your father has informed about what happened to Mrs. Cruz, he's on the way now in here." Bernard announced about my father's on the way in here. I shrugged off my shoulders and continue savoring my drink. "Then you should cook more, tell the chefs to prepare my dad's favorite." I instructed him and went upstairs, reaching my office. I heard some laughs in our room and I didn't bother at all, I don't want to be a buzzkiller to them.

As I sat on my swivel chair, I continued to drink my liquor as I felt dizzy and tipsy. I relax my back to the chair, staring nothing to my ceiling, trying to contemplate myself for this day. I'm such an asshole. But nothing will happen if I keep on blaming myself for being a dick. I really need to get her trust again, I'll do anything just to prove to her, that I'm admirable for this family.

When I tried to stand up, but my body went twitching as my vision turned into a blur, and I felt a hard, cold floor as my eyes are heavy and shutting it off, the image of dark surroundings appeared.

I woke up on a soft mattress where my body laid, as I felt the sun rays on my skin. When I opened my eyes, the beamed of the light shade in the binders, shadowed to my face. It's already in the morning? Shit.

I sat on the soft bed, noticing I'm in our room, alone. My head got woozy and I'm about to vomit the toxic alcohol that killing me inside. I hastily go to the toilet and puked all I drank last night. Fucking hell, I should eat first before drinking some alcohol.

"Justine?!" I heard someone entered my room but I can't recognize the voice coming from. I sat on the tub as I reached up to the lever of the shower, and I successfully done it. Holy shit! It's freezing! I tried to close it but I can't. My body was drowning in the cold crystals that falling to my body.

"Justine!" I finally distinguished that it was Emma's voice. She quickly turned off the shower and my clothes are soaking wet and it's so cold.

"What the hell is happening to you?! I'll call Bernard to help you. I can't drag your body out here." Emma rushed out to the room as I heard her calling Bernard's and Taylor's names. I saw Emma back in the bathroom with a white towel to her hands. "You're killing yourself, Justine. You promised me that you will help me to raise our kids, but you're trying to be the worst parent to our children." Emma scolded me while she dabbing the towel to my body.

Bernard and Taylor came to the room, and they quickly caught my body out of the tub. "Thank you, bring me some warm water on a basin with 2 clean towels and some hot tea, if you can Bernard. Thank you again." Emma instructed them both and when they finally left, Emma glared at me, tilting her head to me and I get frightened because of that.

"Do you know what are you doing, huh?! You're making me add more ages because of your pathetic actions! Justine, I swear to God, if my head exploded and my babies didn't make it, then I will fucking kill you with my bare hands!" Emma yelled at me and I really saw how angry, disappointed, and worried she was to me.

Taylor and Bernard came with the things that Emma needs to take care for my childish ass. When they left, I was preventing her gazes since I have no face to show her up with.

Book 1: jealousy, jealousy (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now