The sense of relief in my wrist is utterly phenomenal.

He apparates us somewhere briefly, but I don't get enough time to recognize the area before we teleport somewhere else.

It's cold, and windy, and deathly quiet. I'm standing behind Tom's large back before someone speaks. The voice is unpleasantly familiar.

"Tom? What did you need?" Orion asks. He sounds well. As if he didn't sexually take advantage of me an hour ago.

I freeze. Stop breathing. The tension burns within my bones and echoes throughout my body, before gradually sinking down into the souls of feet as pure fury takes over, burning through my veins.

But still, I can't seem to make myself move.

I'm scared.

Tom reaches back, and holds his palm open in front of me. I hesitantly place my hand in his and watch as his fingers fold over mine.

He pulls me out from behind him, yet still keeping me close to his side.

"Y/n?" The other man calls, but before either of us could say anything, Tom spoke.

"Crucio." He murmured, pointing his wand towards Orion. I watched as the man stiffened, groaning in pain before falling to his knees, twitching every now and then like a fly after being sprayed with bug spray.

"And don't you dare tell anyone about this, or you can bet that I'll be back" The words echo around my skull.

'I didn't tell him. I didn't tell him' I reassure myself.

"Tom!!" I panicked. Even though this is the man that abused me, I cannot stand to watch- well, I mean I could stand here and watch him, but it's kind of uncomfortable.

Tom turns to me, taking my jaw, gently, in his large hand while the other held the nasty unforgivable curse over Orion

"Tell me, Darling. Do you not wish to punish all of those who have dared to wrong you?" He asked, not with a smirk, nor with anger. Not with anything. No trace of emotion swam in eyes, no hint of sentiment upon his lips.

I stayed quiet. Not a single word slipped my lips.
He turned my head by the jaw to watch Orion as he writhed in pain on the damp ground.

"This is what happens to anyone who dares to-" He cuts himself off, hesitation filling the silence quietly.

"To ruin my connections with acquaintances... s-such as you. I'm sorry about him by the way" he mumbled, it all went incredibly quick.

"You're sorry?" I deadpanned. What the hell. Does he not understand- oh my fucking- ugh.

I pulled away from him, pulling my wand from my hair, letting it fall.

"That's not how it works, Riddle" and with that, I flicked my wand, apparating away in one swift movement.

I just witnessed someone under one of the three unforgivable curses. What am I supposed to do?

'Was that supposed to be an apology!?'

Fucking loser.


Tom's POV

Y/n forced herself away from me, letting her hair fall from the pretty hairdo as she pulled her wand out from it.

"That's not how it works, Riddle" She spat, saying my name is if she were gladly getting rid of it, as if it tasted bad in her mouth.

With a last glance at the wretch on the ground beside me, my wand still pointed at him, and a glare towards me, she disappeared with a single flick of her wand.

She seemed pretty sober at that moment considering how empty the bottle was.

I fiercely turned back to the scoundrel beside me. I didn't want to believe that a previously loyal man of the Slug Club had done something so disgusting and unworthy of Y/n, ruining whatever sort of friendship we had while he was at it.

I knelt down, grabbing his neck as I intensified the impact of the torturous spell I had trained on him.

"Tell me, did you really do what I suspect you did to Y/n?" I muttered, lowly. All I got were a few gurgles and groans.

"I SAID TELL ME" I ordered aggressively.

"You fucking low-life, did you dirty yourself enough as to molester an innocent girl? Answer my QUESTION" I yelled. We were out in a small clearing of the Forbidden Forest, so I doubt anyone could hear us.

"I-i- no, s-sir" he managed to force out.

"Do not lie to me, Orion Black" I spat.

"Did. You. Assault. Y/n?" I asked slowly.

He managed to perform a struggled nod.

"Pathetic." I growled, standing up, only to deliver a solid kick to his stomach, making the fucker cough in pain.

"Bombada Maxima." He flew back into a tree.

"Stupefy." I grit my teeth as he falls instantly limp.

"Obliviate" I utter impatiently, altering his memory. He won't remember anything after the moment when I took him from the Slytherin dormitories.


I need to call a meeting. An urgent one.



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