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Dear Yellow,

You was at my house. You told me about how you see the world. I was your blue. At first I was confused. Do you really see the world the same way I do, Yellow?

I told you that was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.

You asked me what colour you were.

I said I didn't know. I was too scared to tell you that I think the same way. That you were my yellow.

You told me you thought you were a dull grey. I said you weren't. I said I don't know what colour you were, but you were far too beautiful to be a dull grey.

I said I loved you.

I kissed you.

I took my shirt off.

You looked scared.

I understood.

I apologised.

You fell asleep at my house.

I stared at you and wondered what I did to deserve you.

Dear YellowWhere stories live. Discover now