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Dear Yellow,

You caught me today, round the back of the school. I was kissing someone. I think it hurt you. I was kissing a boy, to fill the empty void in me.

You probably didn't mean to find me.

You looked surprised

I threatened you. You looked scared. I threatened to kill you if anyone found out. I hurt you; I held your arm thight. I didn't want the same thing to happen as when my parents found out.

You told me you were good at keeping secrets. You said you kissed boys as well.

I was surprised.

I told you I didn't know.

I wonder if anyone else knows.

They call you things. Maybe it's because of that.

It's not fair.

I stopped holding your arm. The boy had run away. I apologised. I saw you were trying not to cry. I called you weak. I apologised again. I asked if I can buy you coffee.

You declined. I think you don't know I said it because I like you.

I said it out of love.

Dear YellowWhere stories live. Discover now