Business as usual

Start from the beginning

"Is everything alright?" Morgan asked, coming out of his room which he was sharing with Reid.

"Do you know where Hotch is?" She asked.

"Down at the ranger's station-"

"Told you" Luke said knowingly to her but she ignored him, already being annoyed by this new agent who seemed to be relying far too much on his natural charm and good looks which she didn't think made up for his rocky first impression.

"Hush your mush" she shushed him much to his amusement and turned to Morgan, whom of which she had told herself she would ignore to try to brush past what happened with them and the confusing urge to call him everyday since the kiss, "do you know when he'll be back?"

"I'm not sure, why? What's going on?" Morgan asked.

"He's doubled up my room with Mr name expert here" she lazily gestured to Luke who chuckled at her which only annoyed her more.

"So you're having to share a room with him?" Morgan said, trying to hide his hatred of that idea, "I'll go talk to Hotch for you."

"I can talk to him myself- I just don't know where the ranger's station is" she said before her phone rang.

"Fuck" she mumbled at the caller ID, "okay, never mind- we'll just share the room, I have to go take this."

"You will?"

"We will?"

Morgan and Luke said at the same time, Luke seeming a little too into that idea for Morgan's liking.

"You were meant to have a room on your own Darl, I'll just talk to Hotch and-"

"It's no biggie, as long as he doesn't snore" Darling spoke over her shoulder as she walked back to the room where she was going to take her phone call.

"I was just about to get changed in there-" Luke called out.

"I'm sure your wrinkled overshirt and crusty jeans can last another 15 minutes being a fashion controversy" she mocked, shutting the door and answering the phone as he laughed- enjoying the back and forth he found himself in with her, Morgan not enjoying the smile on Luke's lips when he watched Darling walk back to the room before and noticing his gaze looking her up and down slightly.

"I'll go talk to Hotch" Morgan decided and went to leave.

"It's fine, I'll just sleep on the floor- but I'm sending her the bill for my chiropractor" Luke joked, walking off to sit in the lounge as Morgan tried to brush away the burning icky feeling of jealousy.

Get it together Derek, just because she kissed you doesn't mean anything- not even if it was a kiss like that...

He had to remind himself and go to start the briefing like Hotch had instructed him to do, Darling joining them almost half an hour later after her phone call.

"Everything alright?" He asked her quietly as everyone talked about their different theories, taking a seat next to her on the sofa.

"What? Yeah, of course" she nodded out of her zoned-out state, doing a good job of acting 'okay' but Morgan noticed the speck of mascara on her upper cheekbone that made him question if she had been crying- of which she had.

"What was the phone call?" He quizzed, assuming that had something to do with it.

"The phone call? Oh, it was just a telemarketer" she lied.

"You stepped out into your room for half an hour to talk to a telemarketer?" Morgan raised an unconvinced eyebrow at her, knowing that she must be worked up since he knew she could lie better than that.

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