Chapter 6

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My peaceful bliss was startled by the harsh morning sun glaring through the window that Kita-san threw the curtains open.

"Jeeze, Kita, do we have to wake up so early?" whines Atsumu-san, as he turns his head away from the light.

"Yes, we have a schedule to stick to," says Kita-san, as he goes nudging everyone awake with the help of Aran-san.

"Okay okay, I'm awake," groans Osamu-san. "Now get yer lazy ass up," Osamu-san says as he tackles Atsumu-san who was still lying in bed.

I slowly get up and stretch, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Wakey wakey!" sings Tendou-san, who was already up and jumping about.

Slowly get up and shuffle to my suitcase to grab my toothbrush and stuff.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I feel ready to face on the day.

I stumble into the dinning hall to find everyone chatting loudly with each other.

Okay maybe I wasn't that ready.

"How are they so loud in the morning?"

I grab a tray of breakfast prepared and head to the empty chair between Semi-san and Atsumu-san.

"Morning," I yawn as I sit down. I notice Atsumu-san flinch when he noticed me.

"Oh, sorry, I can move," I quickly say, standing back up. I move to a seat and place my tray down.

"Wait," stops someone.

I hover over the chair.

"That one's taken," Atsumu-san says, but his eyes were focused on his food.

"But there's no one sitting here and nothing saving the seat?" I point out.

Atsumu-san shrugs.

"They asked me to save it for them," he says.

"Can you tell me who?" I ask.

Atsumu-san shakes his head.

"What? If you can't tell me who wants to sit here, then I'll just take this seat," I say, impatience getting the best of me.

"You can't," Atsumu-san says.

"Watch me," I challenge.

I lower myself down but didn't feel the chair. Instead, I made contact with the cold, hard floor.

"Hey, who did that?!" I shout, looking around fervently.

I notice Atsumu-san standing behind me, holding the chair I was about to sit on.

"What is your problem?" I ask exasperated.

"I said you can't sit there," Atsumu-san repeats.

"I–You know what, whatever," I groan, standing up and moving to a different chair.

I motion to sit down but was stopped again.

"I'm saving that for someone too," Atsumu-san says.

"What the– Ugh, I can't deal with this right now," I groan louder, moving to a different seat.

"Nope, not there either," says Atsumu-san.

I try a different seat, then another, then another. But every attempt was rejected.


"That's taken."

"No can do."

I was fuming by the end of it.

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