Chapter 4

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"Stop gawking and get moving, we have a bus to catch," shouts Washijo-sensei over the shouts of everyone around us as he starts heading towards our boarding platform.

We stay together and make our way through the station. Once we find our platform, the train still hadn't come yet.

"Okay, we have a few minutes to spare, so if you guys want you can look around at some nearby shops. Dinner comes along with your ticket so don't worry about that. Make sure to get back here at 4:00," informs Saito-sensei, releasing us to explore.

I look down at my phone to see that it was 3:43.

"Looks like we've got 17 minutes."

"Are you going to buy anything?" asks Goshiki-san.

"Yeah, I remember passing a bubble tea stand on the way here. You wanna come?" I respond.

"Count me in!" says Goshiki-san.

"Let us come along too!" exclaims Tendou-san, bringing Semi-san, Shirabu-san, Reon-san, and Ushijima-san with him.

"The more the merrier I guess," I say cheerfully, and we set off to find the bubble tea.




"Mmm, this is some good bubble tea," I say as I take another sip of my mango smoothie bubble tea.

"It really is," agree Tendou-san, who order a colorful drink with jelly toppings, "But you know what's better...chocolates!" Tendou-san excitedly points at sweets shop.

"We have to get back to the train soon," reminds Reon-san.

"But taking a few seconds to look won't hurt," I say, eager to try some sweets too.

"Well, it's only 3:49 so I guess we have some time," reasons Shirabu-san.

"Let's go then!" exclaims Goshiki-san, and we hurry over to browse the candy selection they had.

We look around the shop, amazed at the various flavors, shapes, and sizes of the sweets. After some hard decisions, we bought a bunch of things we wanted to try within budget.

"Okay now we really have to be getting back," I urge and we speed walk out of the shop.

"Err, anyone know the way back?" asks Tendou-san, but most of us shake our heads.

"You guys...just follow we," sighs Reon-san, and he guides us back to the platform.

"What would we have done without you, our savior" jokes Tendou-san.

"We would have gotten our asses chewed out for being late that's for sure," I laugh.

After a few minutes since we got back, the train pulled in.

"Okay, let me do a head count first and then we'll board," says Saito-sensei.

After making sure all 21 of us (including me and the coaches) were here, we gather our stuff and board, making our way to our seats.

"I call the window seat!" exclaims Tendou-san, rushing forward to claim it.

Ushijima-san takes his seat next to Tendou-san. Shirabu-san had to sit next to Semi-san, both looking pretty unhappy. I ended up sitting next to Goshiki-san, who took the window seat.

"Get comfortable because it'll be a 6-hour ride from here," reminds Saito-sensei.

"Who has the bag with the sweets?" asks Tendou-san.

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