Chapter 5

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"Ahh we made it," grunts Tendou-san as he stretches.

"Are you Saito-san and Washijo-san?" asks a middle-aged man with short, light-colored hair and black-rimmed glasses.

"Ah yes, you must be Kurosu-san," says Saito-sensei, extending a hand for a shake. Washijo-sensei does the same.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person. Come, the bus is just around the corner. I'm sure you are all tired," says Korosu-sensei as he starts walking towards a nearby bus.

As we get closer, I could hear the conversations of the members waiting for us inside the bus.

"Hey is that them?"

"No it's just some random group of students that happen to be wearing Shiratorizawa uniform and are heading our way."

"Oh, I see."

"Dumbass of course it's them! Yer just as dumb as the invention of brunch."

"What does that even mean?"

"Control yourselves and get back into your seats."

"I just want to get another look."

"They'll get on the bus soon enough; you can look at them then."


Then I hear the loud shuffling as they all get back to their seats.

"Jeez they might be even louder than our team."

"Here, put your bags in the side trunk," Kurosu-sensei says, popping open the side door to the trunk. One by one, we put our bags into the trunk and climb into the bus. But the entrance we blocked by an unmoving line of people.

"Hey, what's with the hold up, just find a seat so we can go sleep," I say, getting a bit pissed because I was so tired.

"Umm where do we sit?" asks Goshiki-san.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. I squeeze onto the bus to check out what was wrong. "Oh, well this is a problem."

On the bus, there were two rows of two seats. But the Inarizaki team sat so that each pair of seats had one seat taken by a member on the Inarizaki team.

"I thought this could help you guys get to know each other better if you sat this way," explains Kurosu-sensei as he gets into the driver's seat.

"Nobel idea...if only it weren't so late and we actually had the energy to socialize!!!"

"Whatever, let's just get to bed already," I groan, too tired to give a shit anymore. I take the nearest seat, which was next to someone with blonde dyed hair parted to his right, with a dark brown undercut and dark brown eyes.

As soon as I sit down, I feel chills. I secretly look around, and notice that someone who looked really similar to the guys I'm sitting next to is glaring at me.

"Did I do something? Maybe it's just my imagination..."

But the ominous feeling didn't go away.

"Hi, I'm Miya Atsumu, but I go by first name since I have a twin, Osamu," he introduces himself almost condescendingly.

"What is with the Inarizaki team? Did I accidentally offend someone?"

He jabs a finger towards the person who was glaring at me earlier, "I'm a second year by the way."

"I'm Shimizu Y/N, a first year. Nice to meet you," I introduce myself, holding out a hand.

"Yeah whatever," sighs Atsumu-san, ignoring my hand and leaning back.

"You motherfu-"

"Okay are we ready?" asks Kurosu-sensei.

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