Chapter 1

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"Oh we're going to visit our family too," says Tendou-san, pointing at both of them. Ushijima-san nods in confirmation. "What about you Shimizu-kun?"

"Aw man, looks like I'll be alone on campus. My parents are still overseas," I say dejectedly.

"You could finish your work while you're on campus then," suggests Shriabu-san.

"See, that's what I plan to do, but I usually either procrastinate or get distracted easily, which leads to procrastination..." I sigh.

"The library has some pretty good study rooms," advises Shirbau-san.

"Really? I'll have to check them out," I say, making plans in my head already. "Oh yea, give me your emails guys!"

"Ooo are you asking me out?" Tendou-san says wiggling his eyebrows.

"In your dreams, it's for manager purposes," I explain and add everyone's email to my phone. I wave bye to the others and head back to dorms just in time to catch Harada-san about to leave.

"Aww, leaving so soon," I say with a pout, "the dorms are going to be so quite."

"Is my attention deprived Shimizu-san going to be okay without social interaction for two whole days? Can't be me," says Harada-san laughing, giving me a pat on my head. "Try not to die over the weekend."

"Can't make promises, I need supervision 24/7."

"True that. Oh yea, before I go give me your email."

"Give me yours too!" says Rumi-san, just appearing with Honoka-san following behind her. The four of us exchange emails and wave bye to each other as they leave. After sending them off I turn and head back to our dorms. "It's going to be pretty lonely around here."




A/N: Time skip because I can 😗✌

The weekends pass by pretty slowly. I got all my work done on Saturday and studied a head a bit on Sunday cause why not. It was a good thing the cafeteria had premade meals set out on the weekends, or else I would have had to move my lazy ass to buy lunch off campus. I also watched the new My Hero Academia and decided to start One Punch Man. I can say that I have officially become a Genos fangirl.

Not matter how slowly, time still passed. Finally, FINALLY, everyone was coming back to campus. I stood by the entrance searching for the girls. Hanako-san was the first to arrive with Mamiko-san.

"Mamiko-san!" I shout as I run up to them, "I haven't seen you around that much."

"Yeah, it's really such a shame. Better take a good look at me now!" she responds.

"Hey, what am I, air?" scoff Hanako-san.

"Do you hear something?" I pretend to ponder, causing Mamiko-san to laugh.

"If Y/N-san won't pay attention to you then I will!" exclaims Rumi-san acting like a knight in shining armor.

"Well if you're air I must be nothing," Harada-san says creeping up behind us undetected.

"Harada-san! Rumi-san! You guys are back!" I exclaim as tackle them into a hug, "It's been so quite without you guys around."

"Wow, I really must be dead meat," Hanako-san says, rolling her eyes.

"Aww, come here, of course I missed my first friend at Shiratorizawa!" I exclaim as I give her a side hug.

"Did you miss us?" asks a sing-song voice. I look over to see Tendou-san walking towards us while waving with the other volleyball team members.

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