13. God help me

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third person

Luke walked in with an iPad in his hand.

"Well we'll, look whose awake?" He said with a smile. "How do you feel?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Like a million bucks" she said half asleep with a lazy smile.

He nodded and set his iPad down. He grabbed his stethoscope. He gently placed it on her chest and listened to her heart.

"Everything sounds normal. You should be in the hospital for a few days. Your body is still recovering from all that bruising. In the mean time, take it easy." he told her.

she nodded. "Thank you"

"Of course"

He paused for a second and looked up to her. "You really scared us there." he said softly.

"Don't do that again." he told her and then walked out.



It's been a few weeks since Senna was in the accident and things are back to normal. She's been taking it a bit easy still.

I was a few weeks into my intern year and it was going well so far. I'm not going to lie, it was completely rough, but it was doable.

I was currently in the residents lounge sitting down in front of my computer, with a heating pad on, trying to get some work done. It was my off hour and at the moment I was experiencing some heavy

I've had painful periods all throughout my teenage years, unfortunately. Just one of the small perks of being a female.

All of a sudden I heard the door open and shut immediately. When I looked up, I saw Ashton.

He wore a mad look on his face and made a beeline straight to where I was sitting.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He seethed out. He was pissed. You could see the vein on the side of his forehead pop out.

I looked up to him. "Doing my notes" I told him softly. I wasn't sure why he was so upset.

"There was a big surgery that started two hours ago and you were expected to be there." He yelled as he stood with his arms crossed in front of me.

I looked down to my clock. Shit. I lost track of time and totally forgot.

I look up at him. "I'm so sorry Ashton. I lost track of time." I told him solemnly. I feel so bad. How can I just forget something like that?

He wasn't buying it. "I don't care. Congratulations, you're now on probation. You won't be attending any more surgeries until further notice. You'll be expected to be here early and will be tasked with tedious assignments. You do what I tell you." He seethed out.

Don't cry don't cry.


"That was one of the most important surgeries that rarely ever happens. The chief was even there and asked me where you were. You made me look like an idiot." He said darkly.

"So for that, you're going to make up for it. Be prepared. Because it will be a living hell." he told me and then walked out.

God help me.

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