Everything to Lose

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It seemed hopeless, the ranks reduced to less than a third. "Fall back! Fall back to the mountain!" Dain shouted, and the dwarfs hurried back, rushing quickly to form ranks at the edge of the moat between the plain and the wall of the mountain. Olivia was surprised she was still breathing, though she held a calm exterior, the sword singing in her hands as she held it before her, facing down the line of orcs and trolls.

The orc horn sounded as the trolls came to the front of the line, and they began to march towards the dwarves, Oliva gripping her weapon tighter. "Come on, Thorin..." She muttered. As if he had heard her, a warmer sounding horn sounded from behind her, upon the wall, followed by the clanging of a large bell and the shattering of stone.

Behind her, the company of dwarves parted, the thirteen dwarves of whom she had become so fond rushing between them, Thorin taking the point. "To the king!" Dain shouted.

"To the king!" Olivia shouted with him a second time, relief and pride washing over her, rushing forwards as Thorin shouted out a battle cry.


The trolls were downed by arrows before they even reached the group, the rank crashing into the wave of orcs with great battle cries. They split the first wave cleanly in two, Fili and Kili pushing to fight near Liv in the crowd.

"Olivia!" Kili shouted.

"Kili!" She grinned as she cut the head from an orc, nodding in greeting to the brothers. "Fili!"

"You're alive!" Fili was overjoyed to see her.

"You can't get rid of me that easily!" She thrust her sword through the chest of an orc.

Thorin's voice from somewhere behind her drew her attention. "Dain!"

"Thorin!" She heard the dwarf reply. "Hold on! I'm coming!" She felt some relief to see the two guarding one another's backs. "Hey, cousin! What took you so long?" Risking another glance, she saw the two hug one another. "You wouldn't happen to know an Olivia by any chance? Tall, blonde? Real spitfire?"

"Olivia?" She heard a panic in Thorin's voice. "She's still here?"

"Aye, she's been fighting with us since the first charge." 

"Over here!" She shouted, and Thorin found her quickly in the crowd, Olivia nodding to him before the battle drew her gaze from him again. She slowly began to push her way towards the king.

"There's too many of these buggers Thorin!" Dain brought Thorin's attention back to him. "I hope you've got a plan."

"Aye." Olivia reached Thorin as he spoke.

"Whatever harebrained plan you have in mind, I want in." She told him.


"I'm not letting you go alone!" She argued, cutting down an orc. "Not this time. Last time was too close."

Thorin conceded, nodding to her. "Fine. We're going to take out their leader." He rushed forwards, mounting one of the mountain-goat steeds of the dwarves.

"Azog..." Dain muttered.

"I'm going to kill that piece of filth," Thorin growled, offering a hand to Olivia. She looked skeptical, afraid her weight would be too much, but Thorin urged her on. "They're strong creatures. They can take the weight." With that she allowed herself to be pulled on behind him, sword drawn to defend him as they rode.

Fili, Kili, and Dwalin rode with them on goats of their own, weaving between the orcs, headed to Ravenhill. This was it. Every choice she had ever made led here, now. Either she would succeed... or she would die.

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