17 and Fucking Confused

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"Good morning birthday bestie," Kiara climbed in the top bunk with me.

"How the hell did you wake up before me?" I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone. It was 8am.

"Well you didn't get home until 3am and I know you got a shot out of your flask when you got in."

"Yeah... sorry I know you don't like me drinkin." I wrapped my arm around her and closed my eyes still tired.

"It's ok. It's your birthday so I'll let it slide," Kē giggled and nuzzled into my neck.

"Girls, breakfast!" Momma yelled from the kitchen.

"I thought I smelled sausage," I laughed.

"Eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, gravy, and homemade biscuits," Kiara sounded so proud.

"Mom suckin up for somethin?" I had just got paid, damn it mother.

"No I asked her too," Kiara said.

"Well." We climbed down, I threw shorts on, and we went into the kitchen.

We ate a good breakfast until we were stuffed and I honestly hadn't eaten like that in a long time.

Kiara and I decided to spend the morning watching my favorite movies: Lilo and Stitch, Variety Blues, and The Adam's Family. Around 4pm though she fell asleep and I needed to get up to move some. I changed my shorts for jeans and put on a hoodie over my spaghetti strap tank top.

"I'm goin ridin," I yelled to Momma and Daddy from the back door.

"Be careful," Daddy yelled.

I walked outside, got my black with pink splatter pattern helmet, and got on my dad's Harley Davison.  She fired up and purred.

I had no where I wanted to go to, I just wanted to ride, so I could clear my head. I drove the roads thinking about nothing and everything all at once. Kiara is the sweetest, most amazing woman ever, so adorable and awkward, but she always on my ass about something: stop drinking and dippin, motorcycles and race cars are to dangerous, no those deers and rabbits are so cute please don't hunt anymore. Dean, he's a gentle muscular motorcycle man with a pet snake and he can be so much fun, but he has so many relationship flaws. He'd probably never date a woman again if he could just fuck a motorcycle. Then a question popped in my head and I had to get the answer.

I drove to work because I knew Dean would be there, it was the one day a week Dean works that I don't, we literally have the same schedule with only one day each one is at work without the other. I walked in the door and was met with happy birthdays from everyone working.

"What are you doin here? Why the fuck would you come to this hell hole on your birthday?" Jack questioned.

"I want a 12 pack of cinnabons, and there's someone I need to talk to." I answered.

"Luna? What are you doin h-" Dean paused, his quiet manner left in a moment of excitement, "WHO'S BIKE IS THAT?!" He sounded like a kid on Christmas Day while he looked at the motorcycle helmet under my arm and the 15,000 dollar bike outside.

"My dad's. I needed to think. Ridin helps... if anyone understands that, you would. Can we talk? Alone?" I glanced at our coworkers crowding the counter talking, wishing me a happy birthday and asking why I need to talk with Dean, and Jack brought me the dessert pack with a sticker sealing them. I put them in my front hoodie pocket.

"Ahh... yeah. Guys we're gonna go smoke and talk." He grabbed his vape out of his pocket and walked outside with me, holding the door for me. I pulled out my red and black NovoX from my front pants pocket. As the door closed, we walked out of view of the windows, nosey ass coworkers but I love them.

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