"If you were given three wishes, what would you ask for ?"

"Peace and work the last one I will save for some other time, when required I will use it." I replied.

I am pretty clear about what I want in life. So it didn't took me much time to reply.

He replied, "Oh..Well I would ask for true love, basic facilities and good health. What else do you need if you have all these."

"What are basic facilities for you ?" I asked.

"Food, water, education, clothes and shelter."

If he meant what he just said then I am really impressed. I mean, he has everything money, fame, looks, everything! But he still knows what a common person wants, to have a good life. He is a little sensible. He isn't that bad. Infact he is good if we exclude his stupid comments.

Later he dropped me at home and I saw Ryan waiting for me and he didn't look very happy.

Oh ho....

"Where have you been ?" Ryan asked sternly.

"Just out, with a friend on dinner." I replied.

"You don't owe me any explanation, I am not even asking for one. But you could have atleast told me or even texted me. It's so late at night. I was fucking worried for you. You didn't even pick any of my calls." He stated raising his voice a bit.

I replied, wide eyed, "Calm down, my phone was on silent so, I couldn't receive it. I am sorry about that."

I was a little shocked to see him so mad.

"Whatever. I an going to sleep." He said walking away.

"Have you had your dinner?" I asked concerned.


"Why ?"

"I don't want to."

"Why is that ?"

"I am going to sleep...Good night." Ryan replied and went to his room.

Huff....What did I do now ? I should tell him about Raphael.
I went and knocked at his door.

"What ?" He asked as he opened the door.

"I need to say something to you, let me in."


I told him everything. In details. Not missing any point and he listened with patience without interrupting. When I was done he said, "You like him ?"

I nodded and addes, "I don't have some major crush though. "

"Okay... It's fine. Yet I don't approve of you going out with strangers like Raphael....I mean it's upto you but still..."

"I agree, but I was getting bored."

"Okay. Let's just go to sleep. Will think about this later."

With that I went to my room, changed and drifted to sleep. After a good meal all you need to a perfect sleep. And I got it that night.


It's past midnight and I haven't even got a wink of sleep. During my highschool and college days it wouldn't be an issue if it was past midnight and I wasn't asleep. I was the kind of student who is a spoilt brat in day but studies real hard at night. That was my secret. Same with Josh. But today....
I can't stop thinking about Raphael and Camila. I just don't like the idea of them being together. Camila is mine. Not yet, I don't have a say on her. I like her. I am sure about it. Maybe I love her. Till now I haven't considered the option of loving her but now I am. I have never ever felt so strongly for a girl like this. When I am with her it is all like a dream, a romantic scene out of a novel or a movie.

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