AAA!Hank X Reader

Start from the beginning

When did you even stopped breathing?

"That was fucking scary." N8 approached you, swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded.

"I thought we're going to be murdered there for a sec."


Later in the labs, nothing eventful happened. Just the way you like it. You tapped away and clicked the mouse repeatedly, secretly playing Mine Sweeper instead of filling out your report. With a sigh, you closed out the window. Knowing full well you'll lose again. Leaning back in your wheelie chair, you debated with yourself.

Should you close up and head to bed.


Actually get your work done on time.

Such a hard decision.

The feeling of a pair of hands resting upon your shoulders made you jump, not expecting it coming. The person, who you think is N8, gently squeezed in a comforting way.

"God damn, N8. You gave me a heart attack." He stayed quiet, not a peep. You found this odd. Your friend would always respond, even when you weren't talking. Resting your head upon the back of your chair, [EYE COLOR] eyes widen in fear and maybe surprise. Glowing red eyes glared back into your own, a toothy smirk upon grey lips.


A clone had escaped!

It seems Deimos had the same idea, you wanted out of your chair. The grey hands resting upon your tense shoulders gripped at the fabric and pulled. Both you and your wheelie chair collapsing to the floor below. Your head and shoulder hurt upon impact but it wasn't enough to take you out.

"NO! PLEASE STO-" One good hard kick knocked you out, sending you spiraling into darkness. You would wake and pass out at random times, the first you awoke, you were being dragged down a hallway covered in blood. The next time you reopened your eyes, sirens and the emergency red lights flashing within the dark place. The final time, you're wide awake now. Lights bathing everything in red, your blurry vision made out a few bodies nearby.

Where were you?

What part of the facility are you in?

Pain shot throughout the side of your head, no doubt the area is bruised and swollen. With a pained groan, you weakly pushed yourself up until you were sitting. Rubbing at your good eye to clear up your sight, the sound of struggling caught your attention. Looking to the source, Deimos held up against the wall, a clothed forearm pressing into his neck. That's some strength to hold someone up with an arm and not a hand. Your eyes trailed over to the new person, you were surprised to find out it wasn't a guard but the clone of Hank.

This is something different you hadn't see before. The clones never fought Eachother upon their creation or ever!

Hank could be asserting his dominance. But that's a theory... Maybe some more research could be nee-

Shaking your head from the sudden thought. You don't have time to think these things! You need to escape while you have a chance! Quietly and carefully as one could climbing over mutilated bodies, you made your way in the opposite direction. Praying to Jebus that Sanford isn't anywhere in anywhere down yonder. A loud slam had you pausing, to scared to spare a glance back. If you had to guess; Deimos must've been able to knock back Hank but you're not staying to find out. You picked up your pace once more, you need to find somewhere safe! Your office is a no go, especially how easily one of the clones had slipped in undetected. The leading scientist's room should be face, he had been so paranoid, the basically turned his office into a safety bunker. You stood to your feet once you deemed you were just far enough.

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