i. - woes of man and quidditch teams

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\ ˈȯ-gyə-rē  \

" divination from auspices or omens "

September 18, 1971


"Oh, the woes of man are thus so.." I heard Lucius from across the room as he sulked in the corner of our dorm room at yet another tragic event. What the tragic event was, I wanted to kill him for it.

"You're a woe of man, get off the floor," I walked over to him and kicked him slightly on the back as he slouched over,"Be glad you weren't picked to be one of those quidditch playing assholes."

"Better to be an asshole than forgotten to history, my liege."

I had to hold myself back from stepping on the back of his head on purpose. I knew Lucius had only even tried out for the quidditch team to impress Narcissa, why he would even risk so much narcissistic egotism was beyond me but then I remember..it was Lucius Malfoy. He had, by nature, a narcissistic ego.

I huffed as I turned around, jumping onto and then lounging back on my bed as I watched Lucius writhe while groaning on the floor. I just rolled my eyes and began reading my Divination textbook for the assignment due next week, I was so used to his shit already that it didn't even distract me as he got louder and more annoying.

About twenty minutes later, I began to hear two voices make their way towards our room and I almost was joyous to see Gabriel Mercer and Mercutio Castro walk into the room, Mercutio knocking on the foyer sarcastically as they walked in together.

"Where's Luc...?" Gabriel began to ask before both him and Mercutio made eye contact with the lump on the floor in the corner.

"He's currently grieving his chances with Narcissa Black," I closed the textbook, sitting up as I placed it onto my nightstand. Lucius groaned louder.

"What? What happened?" Mercutio looked concerned, more at the fact of Lucius having a fit than actually wondering what happened.

"He tried out for the quidditch team just to impress her but didn't make it," I leaned back, my hands behind my head as I shrugged,"I think it's a good riddance. We're too good for those preppy asses anyway."

Mercutio's face went a bit funny, looking like he ate a lemon but was on the verge of telling a massive secret he had been keeping for months.

"Got something to spill, Castro?" I watched his expression continue to change as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh, well.." Mercutio's brow started to form sweat as he contemplated, making me wonder what he could be keeping..and then he said the worst thing imaginable,"I joined the quidditch team."

I didn't know what to say at first. Lucius did begin to laugh on the floor, getting louder as Gabriel joined in. Mercutio and I didn't laugh as we stared at each other, conversations behind our eyes that could range from "I'm proud of you" to "what the bloody hell were you thinking?".

casual sabotageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora