Quite the view

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Sorry for the little disclaimer, but some of the words are hard to translate from my mother tongue, but the next chapter will have a glossary with links to images of these things. Now enjoy!

"Those were quite some adventures" Kris thought to himself while checking whether he had everything he needed for the trip. "Bottle of water, wallet, Phone, Headphones and a bag of chips. That should be everything" last thing he did was reminding Noelle to bring her camera with her, it had the highest quality among the groups cameras. And even tho Noelle kept asking why he wanted her to bring it with her so much, he refused to elaborate. Reverting to his by now all so familiar phrase of "Just trust me".

He exited his home and walked to the train station. As he exited the house, he instantly smelled the intense aroma of hops and malt in the air. The brewery that was no more than 50 meters from his home must be producing another batch of the local beer. He reminisced about when he was younger: He despised the smell. Always covering his nose when the smell hung in the air. His parents always told him he would like it one day. Of course he never believed it. Now he chuckeld at the thought that they were, indeed, correct. Taking a deep breath, Kris made is way towards the train station.

He was supposed to meet Susie and Noelle there, they would get on the train together and drive towards the beach. After a few stations, the rest of the gang would join them and Ralsei would already be waiting at the destination, since he had an appointment closeby.

Kris thought about how lucky he was that he lived in a city with a beach, where you only have to go for 20 minutes by Train to be right at the water, even if it was "only" the baltic sea. But he didn't have much time to ponder as he already arrived at the train station where Susie and Noelle waited for him.

"I can't believe it, you are actually on time for once!" Kris shouted at Susie. "Thank Noelle for that, she wouldn't stop bugging me until we had arrived". "Well thanks Noelle then, this is important to me, so I'm glad you are not late. Have you brought the camera like I asked?" "OH GOD KRIS, IM SO SORRY, I FORGOT!" Noelle cried. Kris was in a state of shock for a second, but just as he became angry, or perhaps disappointed, Noelle lightened up again. "Just kidding, of course i brought it, you wouldnt stop asking me about it after all". Kris sighed from relief "Susie taught you well I see... almost too well" Kris remarked, making Noelle smile and her nose shimmered a little red.

Just then the train pulled into the station and they entered. Noelle and Susie both tried to get the reason for bringing the camera out of Kris during the drive, without success. But he promised them that he would tell them once they had arrived.

As they got closer, Berdley, Temmie, Monster Kid and Snowie also got on to the train. Kris again being glad everyone got there on time. everyone only knew they were going to the beach in the evening, but not the reason why.

After another 10 minutes the awaited message came trough the speakers of the train "Final stop, please exit the train, thank you for travelling with us". "Alright everyone get up, we don't wanna leave Ralsei waiting after all" said Kris. "I'm sure you're not gonna leave him waiting Kris" Susie said in a mischievous tone causing Kris' face to go slighty red. "Shut up Susie!"

As they all got off the train Ralsei was already waving at them. He hard to miss with the large, green, pointy hat on his head. Kris was the first to reach him, performing his typical handshake he did with all of his friends: A hand wrestler handshake, followed by a quick hug and ending in a normal handshake. However, for some reason, the hug always seemed to take a little longer when greeting Ralsei.

As they all went out of the station and onto the square in front of it, Kris finally told everyone why they were here. He read in the weather forecast that today, a cloud of Sahara dust was blowing over the city, which would colourshift the sky and make for perhaps the best sunset they had ever seen. "I know it isn't as spectacular like the other times I planned a trip, but believe me you will like it".

Quite the View (Kris x Ralsei/Kralsei story)Where stories live. Discover now