Previous adventures

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Here is just the situation at the beginning so it can be easily followed (includes a Spoiler for Chapter 2):

- After Chapter 2 the (presumably?) dark fountain that Kris made at the end of Chapter 2 was made to bring Lancer and Ralsei to the light world with Lancer refusing because he has to govern his newly earned kingdom (they still visit him often)

- Susie and Noelle started dating shortly after the end of Chapter 2

- Monster Child and Snowie joined the friend group after Ralsei joined them (they don't know about the dark world). They are not in a relationship, just your normal pals

- Berdley was left thinking the whole chapter 2 story was a dream (unlike Noelle, who was told it was real), but he still learned from it and now helps Temmie with learning to go to colleg (they are also not together, he just wants to do for others as Noelle had done for him. He is still a little arrogant tho, since old habits die hard).

There will also be quite a lot of lead up to the core of the story with only a few Kralsei moments in between, mainly as a setup. But I don't really like it when they are already being lovebirds in line 3 :P. I also want everyone to interact with each other, not just Kris and Ralsei.

expect more in Chapter 3 (2nd Chapter with story)

Now, on to the story:

Kris took out his phone and looked at the group chat he made to organize and plan their trip. He had a habit of making a new group for every plan instead of just using one with all of his friends. Kris only rarely planned trips for the group, choosing mostly to just go along with whatever the others had in mind but when he did, his friends knew it would be something good. Kris had quite the talent for keeping his plans a secret. Most often nobody but Kris would know where they were going until they had arrived at their destination.

Once he took them all to an Air show at the local Airport. Kris was quite the plane enthusiast. Using some connections to get Grade A+ seats for the entire group, directly in the front. Coincidentally, whenever Kris reserved seats, Ralsei would just so happen to always get the seat next to him. Nobody really noticed, but Susie and Noelle, who were with them in their adventure in Cyber City always made a bet whether or not they would finally confess their feelings for each other. Noelle, being the Optimist that she was, already lost quite some money to Susie. But since she would always just buy something for both of them from the money, she didn't really care (unless Susie bought another box of Chalk).

It almost became a desaster when a plane decided to desintegrate in mid-air in a stunnig blaze of fire. Shocking everyone except for Susie who just remarked how cool the explosion looked. Ralsei clinging to Kris with panic in his eyes. While Kris was also shocked at first, but once they saw the pilot coming down in a parachute and the intercomm was telling everyone that nobody was hurt, he relaxed and only felt Ralseis warm and fluffy fur against his face, making him blush madly. Luckily nobody noticed it, considering he always covers a good part of his face with his hair anyways, but behind that his glowing red eyes were ripped wide open.

"R-Ralsei, are... are you okay?" Kris asked. Ralei snapped out of his shock, letting go of Kris, blushing himself. "O-Oh... yeah I am. S-Sorry Kirs, it was just the shock!" "It is okay, nobody got hurt no need to worry", Kirs said to comfort the prince, who still preferred to wear his hat hiding his face behind a shadow. Kris gave him some encouraging pats on the back. Which seemed to work, tho they were both blushing a little, choosing instead to just look forward. And while the others hadn't really noticed the situation in their shock, Susie and Noelle just looked at each other in a way that said "How are those bloody fools not together yet?"

Another time, Kris brought all of them to the airport again. This time he told them that they were going to see the biggest plane in the world take off: "The Antonov AN-225!" he said almost hysterically, not that anyone really knew what do do with that information, let alone know what it meant. But since Kris was rarely as excited or cheerful about something, they just couldn't say no to him. When Kris spoke about something he really liked, he could almost be as cheerful as Ralsei. Too bad that it was such a rare occurence, most of the time he still seemed like he never really cared about anything. When they arrived, while the size of the plane was pretty impressive, no one was extatic or anthing, with Susie seeming almost a little annoyed. "You dragged us all the way here just to look at an oversized flying metal cage?" Susie snarled "It's not like it will perform any stunts like last time..."

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