When you accidentally fall asleep on him 《Changbin》

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"Oh my days we should get cotton candy as well!"

You said excitedly making Changbin smile. You and Changbin had gone to the theme park for the day because I mean why not. You both were still in early stages of your relationship, it was what, about two months you'd been together now. He was everything you could ask for to be honest. The most caring person ever and actually adorable.

"Which flavour do you want?"

Changbin asked. You had your arm round his and pointed at the pink one.

"That one, everyone knows the pink is the best flavour."


The man gave you your bright pink cotton candy and your eyes sparkled widely. You both walked off hand in hand strolling through a cute garden area.

You ate your candy happily and he looked over to you smiling.

"Do you like it that much?"

You nodded aggressively at his question.

"Yep. And it just seems so much nicer because your with me."

He smiled even wider and you continued to walk on.

3 hours later:

You had been at the theme park all day and you were so tired to say the least. But you wanted to still talk to Changbin and be with him, so you did your best to stay awake.

"Shall we head back now?"

He asked and you nodded.

You both walked towards the bus stop and waited for the bus. You leant on Changbins shoulder as you waited and snuggled up to him to keep warm from the cold winter night.

The bus finally arrived and you both got on. You sat near the window and Changbin on the aisle seat.

"It's such a pretty night."

You said quietly. Changbin looked at you and entwined your hands together. You looked down at your hands and then back at him and smiled sincerely.

You leant down on his shoulder and he lightly kissed the top of your head.

The bus took about 30 minutes to get back to your place.

Changbins POV:

The bus stopped and you looked down to Y/N who was still leaning against you. You leant forward more to see her face more clearly moving a strand of her hair away from her face. She was sound asleep. She looked so beautiful. Everything about her you found so cute. You smiled at her peaceful self and carefully moved her to pick her up on your back.


It was a 15 minute walk back to yours from where the bus stop was, so Changbin began walking to yours. He walked slowly with you on his back, your face snuggled into the crook of his neck. After about 10 minutes you started to feel the cold breeze, causing you to wake up.

You lifted up and looked around trying to recognise where you were.

"Did you have a nice sleep?"

Changbin asked. You looked down at him who was carrying you. You smiled and tightly wrapped your arms round him.


"Did you dream about me?"

"Of course."

"What happened?"

"That's a secret."

He looked round to you who was smirking.


"Yah. It wasn't like that."

You said hitting him. He laughed and put you down after now arriving at yours.

You stood opposite him and wrapped your arms round his neck.

"Do you wanna stay tonight?"

He was slightly shocked at your question. He hadn't stayed the night round yours yet because you both wanted to take things very slow.

Although slightly shocked, he soon nodded.

You both walked in and you lead him to your room. You gave him some things to change into from when your brother would come round and you got changed as well. You got into the bed and he was already beside you.

"Now. I want hugs."

"Me too."

He wrapped his arms round you and you buried your face into his chest. The night felt warm and cosy. And you then felt your mind go away to dreamland as you slowly drifted to sleep.

『 Stray kids one shots 』Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora