Epilogue. "You will cry your eyes out."

Start from the beginning

“Yeah?” He didn’t bother to open his eyes. I laughed as I stopped caressing his cheek.

“Someone’s calling you.” His nose scrunched as he groaned. He opened his eyes before slipping his hand inside his pocket. He stared at his phone for a second before sliding his finger across the screen.

“Yes Rocco?” I decided to give Austin his space to talk with his manager. I never listened to any of their conversations or am around when Rocco visits Austin to talk about music, touring and such.

“Already talked to him?” I stepped outside to the balcony with Dave. He was sitting on one of the patio chairs that Austin had brought just a week before.

“Yeah. He’s been moody because I’ve been ignoring him which is true but he understands that this is big for me so he’s okay now.” Dave nodded. He stood up and leant against the railing beside me. There were a few Mahomies down waiting for Austin to come out. I grabbed the megaphone from the table and held it in front of me. “Austin’s taking a call guys! He’ll be out soon.”

“We hope.” Dave took the megaphone. “How many of you are here for me?”

“None of them are here for you Dave!” The girls cheered like they usually did when Austin asked. I grabbed the megaphone from Dave. “How many of you are here for Austin?”

The girls cheered and it quickly turned louder. They began chanting Austin’s name which meant he was already outside with us. I turned to look at Austin as he stood by the railing waving at his Mahomies. He loved them to death. Every day he would say the same thing over and over again. I wouldn’t be here without my Mahomies. And he was right.

“Want the megaphone?” I offered it and he took it.

“Hey girls! How’s it going?” Cheers again. “I have an announcement to make!”

“Seriously? You gave him the megaphone for that?” I laughed as I smacked Dave’s chest. Austin turned to look at me still holding the device in his hand.

“This announcement is so big that you will cry your eyes out.” I chuckled as the Mahomies outside cheered. “I love you Calli!”

“Awww.” I looked down to see all the Mahomies looking up. Some of them cheered while others just stood there recording.

“I love you Calli. I love you! I love you!” I covered my face, obviously embarrassed by Austin’s words in front of everyone. Then the mahomies began chanting Auslli and Austin joined them. “Auslli! Auslli! Auslli!”

“Yes! Auslli!” Dave shouted beside me making me laugh. Those boys were crazy to be honest.

“Come here Calli!” I stepped closer to Austin. He wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him. He kissed the top of my head before looking down at me.  “I love you Callianne Gabriela.”

“I love you too Austin Carter.” He pecked my lips before turning back to look at his Mahomies.

“She loves me!” I laughed at his excitement.

Austin was the most amazing guy I’d met. He was always up for something new. When I told him I was studying in Miami he was beyond excited and offered me to move in with him. I had to decline the offer saying that my dad was moving to Miami with my brothers and that I would’ve loved to spend time with them. He didn’t get mad. He just smiled and said it was okay and that my brothers deserved to spend all the time they didn’t with their sister.

And to be honest with you, Austin and I weren’t even a couple by the time he said I love you for the first time. It just came out naturally during a walk down the beach. He never asked. And when I was brave enough to ask him why he didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend his words made me fall for him. They made me fall deeper than I was already falling.

You know I love you. I’ve poured out my heart to you more than once. I honestly haven’t asked you to be my girlfriend because last time I did that I ended up Lost with you.

Thinking back to the time we met, he was right. We both ended up lost with each other.

And just to be clear, I loved being lost with Austin Mahone.

Ha! Did you all really think I was going to leave you hanging with that last chapter? No, I wasn't. Here is the real finale to Lost. It's kind of short but I really hope you enjoyed it, just like with the story. This book really means a lot to me because it's an Austin Mahone fan fiction, it's different and I was kind of nervous when I started writing it but it turned out great. I believe I did a great job writing and editing it before posting.

And if there's going to be a sequel, I can't answer that. I could say yes but then I would have to say no because I also want to write a spin-off story. But I'll leave the ideas and you can comment or suggest which one would you like.

A) Sequel - It would be about Austin and Calli's relationship after everything they went through. It will include every single character from Lost.

B) Spin-off - The main idea would be about Alex Constancio's love life. Of course, Calli and Austin will make appearances as well as Zach, Robert, Michele Mahone, Tori and Marcus.

Thank you once again for reading + commenting + voting. This story would just be story without you guys. Thank you so much! 

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