Bionic Showdown Pt1

Start from the beginning

The next day y/n was getting ready for school at her house and was going to meet the Davenports at school. As she was brushing her hair her mother walk in.

"Hey sweetie" Cassandra said. "Can I talk to you, just before you go to school." Y/n sat on her bad and her mom went beside her.

"Yea, what is it mom?"

"It's just... I don't know. Look y/n you can talk to me about anything you know that right?" Y/n nodded and her mother continued. "I heard you and Chase fighting last night... is everything ok?" Y/n sighed and looked at her mother.

"Mom don't worry we figured it out. It's just been rocky since Marcus-"

"You know I'm not to sure about him. Your father thinks something is up." Cassandra cup her off.

"I don't know. I don't think so" y/n lied. "I mean he hasn't done anything wrong" Y/n was screaming on the inside. She wanted to say everything.

"I guess you're right." Cassandra said. She got up and walked towards the door. "I'll let you finish." She walked out. Y/n sighed and flopped back on her bed.

"When did life become this" she said to herself. After a few seconds in silence she got up and finished. She walked out to the kitchen and saw her parents.

"Hey sweetie I'm going to go to Donald's to get ready for training at 4 pm sharp." Her dad told her.

"Right and is mr.Davenport going to tell us everything we do wrong?" Her dad sighed and put down the knife he was using to cut the carrots.

"Look sweetie-" he walked closer to her "he is helping you with your powers just bare with him ok? I know your not used to it but it get better"

"No I'm use to it I just-"

"Am not use to being told everything you do wrong?" Y/n looked at him.

"Maybe?" Alexander and Cassandra both chuckled at her. Alexander kissed her forehead.

"Be good at school ok?" Y/n looked at her dad confused.

"Good? I don't know who that is" she smiled and started walking out "bye!"

"Bye sweetie" they said. She walked to school and met the Davenports.

"Hey baby" Chase said kissing her forehead.

"Hey nerd" She smiled. They walked into school and got on with their day.

After school they walked into the lab together waiting for the dads. As they were waiting y/n was waking back and forth on her phone trying to contact her dad. Chase used his Molecular Kinesis to move Adams popcorn away from him. He moved the bowl of popcorn over his head.

"Stop it chase" Adam said annoyed

"Stop it chase" Bree mocked using her vocal manipulation

"Quit it Bree"

"Quite it Bree"

"I hate it when you use that weird, Vocal Manipulation" Adam stood up and Chase moved the popcorn above him. Adam looked up and sighed

"Give me back my popcorn"

"All you had to do was ask" Chase said making the popcorn fall all over Adam and putting the bowl on his head. Adam walked to them.

"You two and your new abilities. How come I haven't unlocked one yet?"

"Adam why do t we talk about a new ability once you've mastered keeping all the saliva in your mouth" Chase said

The bionic and The science Experiment (Chase x Reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now