The Tortoise And The Hare

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Suddenly a knock at the door disrupted Tzuyu burgeoning her attempt to sleep.

Tzuyu turn on the lamp besides her before she opened the door, undoubtedly Sana's knocking.

"Can I sleep here? I don't think I can sleep alone."

"A-ah o-of course."

Sana got in bed abruptly.

Sana got under covers next to Tzuyu. Tzuyu was feeling a lot more tense than usual. How could she not? Sana was lying right next to her. Tzuyu hit the light switch, causing the room to be plunged into darkness.

"Good night, Tzu" Sana said.

"Good night..."

Tzuyu tried to sleep, she really does. But her heart was beating so fast that there was no way she could possibly drift off. She turned over her side to avoid Sana, her most coveted temptation at the very moment. A threat.

Tzuyu was wide awake. just thinking. The announcement earlier also crossed her mind. There's no way she could sleep now.

She thought Sana had fallen asleep.


"Tzu..." Sana whispered into the dark. She's still awake.

"Hm..." Tzuyu's heart started pounding.

"Can I hug you?"

A short pause... "...of course"

Tzuyu stay still on her side. Sana moved close and wrapped her arm around Tzuyu's waist. Tzuyu's eyes wide open, Sana was so close that they were able to feel their body heat.



"Do you still... like me?" her voice was so small.

Tzuyu's heart pounding even faster, how she can calm? She was pent-up tightly by the woman she was lying with and now trying to have a conversation she want to hear.

"I still do."

"Why do you like me?" Sana's sweet voice, and it looks like she finds comfort.

Tzuyu sighed.

"Because... I like you?"

She don't think her answer is valid but that's how she defined it. It's a rhetorical question.
Sana chuckles and she buried her face to Tzuyu's nape even more.

Sana sniffing her, and there was inside her that she want Sana to do it more.

"Tzuyu face me"

Tzuyu wasn't expecting that. She hesitated for a few seconds, her heartbeat resonating louder than ever.

Tzuyu slowly turned over to face Sana. It was too close. So close that she can feel her mint breath.

Sana caress her face slowly and gently tucked Tzuyu's loose hairs behind her ear.

The atmosphere between them had definitely changed.

Sana's fingers explored the smooth skin of Tzuyu's cheek and jawline.

"I really wanted to touch your face like this before."

Are you seducing me, Sana? She thought.

Her eyes unto Sana's lips.

"Can I kiss you?" Tzuyu asked.

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